How to Replace the 9-Pin CISC on Epson Workforce C-5710 and C-5790

Q: How do I replace the black ink 9-pin CISC (PPO-EP-CSIC-9PIN) on the Epson Workforce C-5710, given the pins seem out of alignment? The C-5790 model seems to have a similar setup, as indicated in the picture I provided where the affected pins are pointed out.

A: Thank you for reaching out with your query, and we're delighted to see your interest in maintaining your printer with solutions from BCH Technologies. We truly appreciate your engagement and support, especially on our BCH Technologies YouTube channel. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine our expertise and service offerings.

Addressing the issue with the 9-pin CISC on the Epson Workforce C-5710 (and similarly on the C-5790), it's important to carefully handle the replacement to ensure proper function and recognition of the black ink cartridge. The pins you've mentioned are crucial as they connect the printer to the cartridge, enabling ink level detection and proper printing functionality.

The pins include tabs or "hooks" on both sides that secure them in place. Although I don't have direct access to a C5710 model for a hands-on demonstration, the general approach to resolving pin misalignment involves carefully applying force to adjust or replace the pin assembly. Based on the assembly image you referred to on our site (Epson Cartridge Chip Board Pins), you'll notice an arrow or hook on the lower left side. This is the tab that keeps the pin secured.

If working on this assembly vertically, I recommend finding a way to stabilize the bottom part of the assembly. Then, gently jiggle the assembly forward with your finger, aiming to release the hook. I will rock the assembly back and forth while maintain upward pressure from beneath, which should help the assembly to pop out. This method allows you to replace or realign the pins without causing further damage to the printer or the cartridge chip board.

Addressing printer issues, especially those involving delicate components like the 9-pin CISC, can indeed be complex. Each problem, from a simple clog to a "paper jam," has its unique set of potential causes and solutions. While we are committed to providing support through our resources at BCH Technologies, including detailed guides and video tutorials, certain situations require more direct intervention.

For hands-on assistance, we invite you to our local diagnostic facility for an in-person evaluation and repair service, available through BCH Technologies Printer Repair Service. Please understand that due to high demand, we manage requests on a first-come, first-served basis. While our rates aim to reflect the quality and thoroughness of our services, we encourage exploring self-help options for more immediate or cost-effective solutions.

Thank you again for your inquiry and support. We hope this guidance assists you in successfully replacing the 9-pin CISC on your Epson Workforce printer. Should you require further assistance or wish to explore other maintenance tips, please feel free to contact us or visit our YouTube channel for a wealth of information on printer care and troubleshooting.

Apr 2nd 2024 Kevin Day

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