Stubborn Banding on Canon ix6850 Printer

Users of Canon ix6850 printers have reported persistent banding issues despite attempting various troubleshooting methods. Banding, particularly in the Cyan section of the print, remains consistent despite standard remedies such as nozzle cleaning, head alignment, ink cartridge replacement, driver reinstallation, and power resetting.

Diagnostic Insights: Printhead Electronic Damage

The underlying cause of the banding issue has been identified as electronic damage to the printhead. This diagnosis is crucial as it directs users away from futile attempts at resolving the issue through traditional troubleshooting methods.

Solution Path: Replacement of Printhead

To resolve the stubborn banding on the Canon ix6850 printer, the most effective course of action is to replace the printhead. It's imperative to source a new printhead from authorized Canon spare parts dealers to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

Avoiding Pitfalls: Beware of Refurbished Printheads

It is advised to steer clear of refurbished printheads available on online platforms such as eBay, Amazon, Alibaba, and similar marketplaces. These refurbished units often pose a higher risk of being defective despite outward appearances of being cleaned and refurbished.

Implementation and Results: Success with New Printhead

Following the recommendation to procure a new printhead from a reputable dealer, users have reported successful resolution of the banding issue. Replacing the damaged printhead with a new one has resulted in the printer operating seamlessly, akin to its initial performance.

Future Considerations

In troubleshooting persistent banding issues on the Canon ix6850 printer, it is essential to identify the root cause accurately. Electronic damage to the printhead requires replacement rather than attempting futile remedies. By procuring a new printhead from authorized dealers, users can effectively restore the printer's functionality.

For more insightful tips and troubleshooting guides, subscribe to our YouTube channel at BCH Technologies, follow our tech blog, or visit our local store in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Feb 12th 2024 Jee Comendador

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