Identifying and Solving Strange Nozzle Print Patterns on Epson L800

Encountering unusual print patterns on your Epson L800 printer can be frustrating, especially when you're seeking high-quality prints. In a recent online discussion, users shared experiences and sought solutions for peculiar nozzle print patterns, particularly observing vertical lines breaking within the pattern in colors such as Cyan, Magenta, and Light Magenta. Let's delve into possible causes and solutions for this issue.

Assessing the Situation

One user reported encountering tiny lines visible on photographs after a period of printer inactivity due to relocation. The issue manifested during the printing of test patterns, where vertical lines broke within the Cyan, Magenta, and Light Magenta sections. This anomaly prompted the user to seek assistance and solutions from the community.

Analyzing Possible Causes

Upon investigation, members speculated on various potential causes for the observed print pattern anomalies. One hypothesis suggested that ink might not be drying fast enough, leading to ink drag during paper transport. Another consideration was the type of paper used, with suggestions that ordinary printer or copy paper might not absorb ink quickly, contributing to the issue.

Proposed Solutions

To address the problem effectively, several potential solutions were proposed within the community:

  1. Verify Ink Source: Confirm whether Epson brand OEM ink and cartridges are being used. Ensuring the use of genuine Epson ink can mitigate compatibility issues and ensure optimal print quality.
  2. Printer Paper Type: Evaluate the type of paper being utilized for printing. Ordinary printer or copy paper might not offer sufficient ink absorption, leading to print quality issues. Consider using specialized printer paper designed for optimal ink absorption.
  3. Nozzle and Print Head Cleaning: Perform multiple rounds of thorough nozzle and print head cleanings. This process can help remove any ink residues or clogs that may be affecting print quality. Referencing online resources and tutorials can provide additional insights into effective cleaning techniques.
  4. Community Resources: Explore online forums and resources dedicated to printer troubleshooting. Watching relevant videos and seeking advice from experienced users can offer valuable insights and potential solutions to resolve the issue.


While encountering strange nozzle print patterns on your Epson L800 printer can be perplexing, identifying potential causes and implementing targeted solutions can help restore optimal print quality. By verifying ink sources, evaluating paper types, conducting thorough cleaning procedures, and seeking assistance from community resources, users can effectively address and resolve print pattern anomalies.

For further assistance and in-depth tutorials on printer maintenance and troubleshooting, consider subscribing to our YouTube channel BCH Technologies or following our tech blog. Additionally, if you're local to Greensboro, North Carolina, feel free to visit our facilities for personalized support and assistance with your printing needs.

Mar 26th 2024 Jee Comendador

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