How to Source and Utilize Screen Printing Mesh and Frames: A Comprehensive Guide

Screen printing enthusiasts often seek efficient and cost-effective ways to create high-quality prints. One common question is whether to purchase pre-made screens or to buy mesh and frames separately to construct custom screens. This article provides insights into the best practices for sourcing screen printing mesh and frames, along with tips on utilizing stretching equipment effectively.

Where to Buy Mesh and Frames

When looking to buy mesh and frames separately for screen printing, it is essential to consider various suppliers and compare prices and quality. Some suppliers offer a wide range of mesh counts and ship worldwide, making it convenient for those based in different regions. For instance, eBay sellers often provide competitive pricing for screen printing mesh, with examples like 110 mesh at approximately $4.5 per yard, including shipping fees.

Pre-Made Screens vs. DIY Screens

For those new to screen printing or without proper stretching equipment, purchasing pre-made screens is often recommended. Pre-stretched aluminum frames can save time and effort, ensuring the screens are taut and ready for immediate use. These pre-made screens are relatively affordable, with prices like $17 for a 20x24 frame with 110 white mesh.

On the other hand, DIY enthusiasts with the right equipment might prefer buying mesh and frames separately. This allows for customization of the screen size and mesh count, tailored to specific printing needs. However, acquiring manual or pneumatic stretching devices can be costly, with prices varying based on the quality and size of the equipment.

Stretching Equipment: Costs and Recommendations

Investing in proper stretching equipment is crucial for those who prefer making their own screens. Manual stretching devices typically cost a few hundred dollars, while pneumatic and automatic stretchers are more expensive. The choice of equipment depends on the required precision and the budget. High-quality screens and proper tensioning are vital for achieving excellent print results.

For those looking to upgrade or streamline their operations, transitioning to re-tensionable frames is an option. These frames allow for repeated tensioning and use, maintaining the screen's integrity and extending its lifespan.

Re-Stretching Services

Re-stretching services offer an economical solution for maintaining screen tension over time. Companies like Rheetech provide re-meshing services at competitive rates, such as $9.00 per frame for 180 yellow mesh and $8.15 for 110 white mesh. Bringing frames directly to the service provider can save on shipping costs and expedite the process.

Sourcing in the UK

For screen printers based in the UK, sourcing local suppliers for screen printing mesh and stretching equipment is essential. Engaging with online forums and communities can provide recommendations for reliable suppliers and service providers in the region.


Choosing between pre-made screens and DIY options depends on your budget, equipment availability, and specific printing needs. For beginners or those without proper equipment, pre-made screens offer convenience and reliability. However, for experienced printers with the right tools, making custom screens can provide tailored solutions and potential cost savings.

Stay updated with the latest in screen printing technology and techniques by following our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies and subscribing to our tech blog. For those in Greensboro, North Carolina, we invite you to visit us locally for hands-on assistance and expert advice.

Jun 5th 2024 Jee Comendador

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