Digital Printing vs. Screen Printing: The Great Debate

In the diverse landscape of t-shirt printing, two techniques stand out: Digital (DTG) and Screen Printing. But which one is right for you?

Imagine printing completely individual t-shirts every hour. That's the marvel of digital printing. Yet, if you're considering volume printing, screen printing often emerges as the winner in the cost-effectiveness department. For instance, setting up eight screen lines that can churn out 600 shirts an hour could cost you the same as one advanced digital machine like the Polaris.

Here's a simple breakdown:

  • Screen Printing is ideal for bulk orders of identical designs. It's for those 10,000 shirts that look the same.
  • Digital Printing (DTG), on the other hand, is the go-to for varied designs and smaller runs. Think about producing different designs on every shirt or catering to a print-on-demand model.

As with any industry, the cost-effectiveness changes depending on the design and volume. For an eight-color design, screen printing's initial cost is heavy, but each subsequent shirt costs mere cents. In contrast, DTG keeps a consistent cost per shirt, whether you're printing one or ten thousand.

Amazon, as of today, could arguably be the world's largest t-shirt printer. With around 200 Cornea machines scattered across various facilities worldwide, they are setting a paradigm for one-offs. However, one trade-off with such mass-scale DTG printing is quality control. If a bad design goes in, a bad design comes out. Period.

The ongoing debate isn't about replacing one technique with another. Screen printing still has a formidable place in the industry. The two methods are distinct, catering to different business models and markets. So when faced with the decision, it's essential to understand your needs, market demand, and desired scale.

The Rise of Elite Printing Machines

Drawing attention to the newer models, the upcoming Cornea machine, built with an integrated dryer, boasts an impressive output of four shirts an hour. The speculated price tag of 1.5 million per unit plants it firmly in the elite market. Only heavyweights with significant CapEx budgets, like Amazon or DTG to Go, are likely contenders to invest in such high-end machinery.

The Pre-treatment Conundrum: The Blues of Printing

Let's switch gears and talk about a crucial but less celebrated aspect of DTG printing: Pre-treatment.

Often dubbed the "Achilles heel" of the entire DTG process, pre-treatment is vital yet challenging. The initial methods, like the Wagner HP gun, lacked precision, posing health hazards if used indoors without a mask due to calcium chloride emissions.

One crucial thing to note? Pre-treatment solutions are notoriously corrosive. Even food-grade stainless steel machinery can deteriorate within a year of constant exposure. So, when you're considering a pre-treat machine, durability is paramount.

Among the many available options, machines like Schultz stand out. Notably, it bears a striking resemblance to the MNR machine – a nod to the industry's interconnectedness and evolution.

In Conclusion: Whether you're leaning towards DTG, screen printing, or diving into the depths of pre-treatment, it's essential to understand the nuances and stay updated with the rapid advancements in the t-shirt printing realm. After all, in this industry, knowledge is not just power; it's profit. For those seeking cutting-edge innovations in printing, troubleshooting assistance, or simply needing to restock on printing supplies, make your next stop From regular printer refills to specialized supplies for sublimation and DTF printing, we have it all. Dive deeper into the world of printing by visiting our YouTube channel, Kevin at BCH. With an array of informative videos, Kevin's expertise is just a click away, ready to guide you through any challenge you might face in the printing realm. If you're in the area or planning a visit, drop by and see us in Greensboro, North Carolina!

Sep 11th 2023 Kevin Day

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