Selecting the Right Options for Your M&R Sidewinder Screen Printing Press

Choosing the right screen printing press can significantly impact your business's efficiency and output quality. For those considering the M&R Sidewinder, understanding the options and their benefits is crucial. Here, we explore essential aspects to help you make an informed decision.

Number of Stations: Four vs. Six

One of the first decisions is whether to opt for a four-station or six-station press. The six-station press costs approximately $300 more than the four-station model. However, the additional stations provide several advantages:

  1. Increased Efficiency: With six stations, you can have more screens in use simultaneously, which is beneficial for multi-color jobs. It allows for better workflow as one station can be used for loading/unloading while others are printing or cooling down.
  2. Enhanced Cool Down Time: When working with plastisol or water-based inks that require flash curing, having extra stations can improve cool down time, reducing the chances of ink smudging and improving overall print quality.
  3. Future-Proofing: Investing in a six-station press can be more economical in the long run if you plan to scale your operations or take on more complex jobs.

While a four-station press can handle most jobs efficiently, the six-station press offers flexibility and can enhance productivity for larger, more intricate orders.

Back Clamps vs. Side Clamps

Another key consideration is whether to choose back clamps or side clamps for your press. Side clamps are an additional investment, costing around $175 each, adding nearly $1000 to the overall cost. Here's a breakdown of their benefits:

  1. Ease of Use: Side clamps are known for maintaining consistent off-contact, which simplifies the setup process and reduces the need for adjustments between jobs.
  2. Improved Registration: They tend to hold better registration, which is critical for multi-color prints where precise alignment is essential.
  3. Personal Preference and Experience: While some users prefer back clamps due to familiarity and ease in setup, others find side clamps provide more stability and better overall results.

If budget allows, side clamps can be a worthwhile upgrade for enhanced precision and efficiency, especially for complex designs.

Registration Systems: Standard Micros and Upgrades

The standard registration system that comes with the Sidewinder is robust and reliable for most applications. However, if your business involves a significant amount of advanced multi-color work, considering an upgrade could be beneficial. The M&R Tri-Loc system, for instance, offers precise registration and quick setup, which can save time and improve print consistency.

Additional Considerations

Given that your screen printing operations will take place in a basement with limited space, and you anticipate print runs ranging from 10 to 3000 pieces, here are a few additional points to consider:

  1. Space Management: Ensure that the press fits comfortably in your workspace, allowing for adequate movement and setup space.
  2. Inks and Supplies: With a focus on plastisol inks, ensure your equipment, including the press, can handle the specific drying and curing requirements.
  3. Future Growth: Think about potential expansions. Features that might seem excessive now could become essential as your business grows.


Choosing the right configuration for your M&R Sidewinder can significantly impact your productivity and print quality. Opt for the six-station model for greater efficiency and future-proofing. Side clamps offer ease of use and better registration, which can be crucial for high-quality multi-color jobs. Lastly, consider the standard micros unless your work demands more advanced registration solutions.

For more insights and detailed guides on screen printing, follow our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies, visit our Tech blog, or join us locally in Greensboro, North Carolina. Embrace the tools and knowledge to elevate your screen printing business to the next level.

Jun 5th 2024 Jee Comendador

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