Selecting the Right Frames for Your Screen Printing Shop

When establishing a new screen printing shop, one crucial decision is choosing the appropriate screen frames. The debate between Newman Roller Frames and Shur-Loc EZ Frames is common among beginners and experienced printers alike. This guide provides an overview of both options, helping you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and preferences.

Understanding the Basics

Both Newman Roller Frames and Shur-Loc EZ Frames have their unique advantages. Your choice will depend on factors such as ease of use, maintenance, cost, and the quality of prints you aim to produce.

Newman Roller Frames


  1. High Tension Control: Newman Roller Frames allow for precise control over screen tension. You can achieve tension levels above 40 or 50 N, which is beneficial for certain types of printing.
  2. Retensioning Capability: These frames can be retensioned indefinitely, which can extend the lifespan of the mesh and maintain high-quality prints over time.


  1. Complexity: Roller frames require more skill and training to change panels and stretch the mesh correctly. This can be a hurdle for beginners.
  2. Maintenance: They demand regular maintenance and careful handling to prevent damage, making them potentially time-consuming.

Shur-Loc EZ Frames


  1. Ease of Use: Shur-Loc EZ Frames are straightforward to set up. The mesh panels are easy to install, making them ideal for those new to screen printing.
  2. Durability: The Endurance line of EZ Frames is designed to withstand more wear and tear compared to standard frames.
  3. Minimal Maintenance: These frames require less maintenance, saving time and effort in the long run.


  1. Limited Tension Control: EZ Frames typically achieve tension levels between 30-40 N. While sufficient for most printing tasks, they offer less control compared to roller frames.
  2. Retensioning Limit: The mesh can only be retensioned a few times, limiting their long-term flexibility.

Practical Considerations

When deciding between Newman Roller Frames and Shur-Loc EZ Frames, consider the following:

  1. Printing Volume and Frequency: If you have high-volume printing needs or frequently change designs, EZ Frames may be more practical due to their ease of use and quick setup.
  2. Print Quality: For projects requiring extremely high tension for detailed prints, roller frames might be the better option.
  3. Maintenance Capacity: Assess your willingness and ability to maintain the frames. If you prefer a low-maintenance solution, EZ Frames are advantageous.

Recommendations from the Field

Experienced printers offer varied perspectives. Some have successfully transitioned entirely to Shur-Loc EZ Frames, appreciating their ease of use and low maintenance. Others continue to rely on Newman Roller Frames for their superior tension control and retensioning capabilities.

A balanced approach is to experiment with both types of frames. Order a sample Shur-Loc EZ Frame and compare it with a Newman Roller Frame in your shop. This hands-on comparison will provide insight into which frame best suits your workflow and quality requirements.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right screen frames is essential for optimizing your screen printing process. Whether you opt for Newman Roller Frames or Shur-Loc EZ Frames, ensure you consider your specific needs, the nature of your projects, and your maintenance capabilities.

For more detailed guides, tips, and industry insights, follow our YouTube Channel and our Tech blog. If you’re in Greensboro, North Carolina, visit us locally for hands-on advice and support in setting up your screen printing shop.

May 24th 2024 Jee Comendador

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