Solving Epson Printer WF-4720 Ink Cartridge Recognition Issues

Q: My Epson printer is not recognizing the ink cartridge. I suspect the issue may be with the pin connectors, as I attempted to swap them with another cartridge but noticed a difference in connections. Your website doesn't specify connectors for each color. Can you guide me on how to resolve this and get my printer functioning again?

A: Thanks for contacting us. We at BCH Technologies are grateful for your engagement and support, particularly with regard to our YouTube channel. Your feedback plays a crucial role in further developing our technical expertise.

The problem you're encountering with your Epson printer not recognizing the yellow ink cartridge could indeed stem from an issue with the Continuous Ink System (CIS) pin connectors. The WF-4720 model, as with many Epson printers, utilizes a standard 9-pin cartridge chip board for all four color cartridges (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). This means that, under normal circumstances, the connectors for each color should be identical. You can find the specific pin you need on our site: One Epson Cartridge Chip Board Pins - 9 Pin.

Given that you've noticed a discrepancy in the connectors between the yellow and magenta cartridges, it's possible that there may have been physical damage to the connector, such as a missing brass triangle, making them appear different. This small but crucial piece is essential for making a proper connection between the printer and the ink cartridge.

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue:

  1. Visual Inspection: Carefully inspect the connector on the yellow ink slot for any visible signs of damage or missing components. Compare it closely with the other color connectors to identify any discrepancies.
  2. Cleaning: Sometimes, ink residue or dust can interfere with the connection. Use a clean, dry, lint-free cloth to gently clean the contacts on both the printer and the cartridge.
  3. Photo Submission: If the issue remains unresolved, taking a close-up photo of the problematic connector and the comparison with the magenta connector could provide more insights. You mentioned sending a photo for troubleshooting, which is a great idea. This can help us or a professional technician better understand the problem and offer more targeted advice.

Addressing printer issues can be a complicated affair due to the hands-on nature of the problems. For instance, resolving a simple clog might involve advice on unclogging procedures. However, if the printer remained inactive during downtime, a comprehensive service for the ink system could be necessary. Situations like a "paper jam" can arise from hundreds of potential causes, and solving such an issue has become something of an in-office jest. Hence, we're unable to provide remote troubleshooting, suggestions, or support for printer repairs.

We offer an in-person evaluation and repair service via our local diagnostic facility BCH Technologies Printer Repair Service. Given the high demand, we operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, it might take a few weeks before we can attend to your printer if you choose to drop it off or mail it to us. Our services are structured to repair either a whole printer or specific parts, with clear instructions on how to proceed if you opt for mail-in or local drop-off services.

However, we acknowledge that our rates aren't the most economical. Thus, we highly recommend that you resort to self-help via online research. You can start by checking out YouTube or visiting our YouTube channel's homepage. Look for specific videos using the search icon next to "About" on the right-hand side of the menu bar. I receive dozens of queries every day asking about videos for specific topics. Having created videos over the past nine years, it's challenging to remember every single one. Therefore, using YouTube's search function would be most efficient. Plus, YouTube might suggest relevant videos from other channels that could assist you.

Thank you once again for reaching out. We're here to assist and support you in resolving your printer's issues and ensuring it functions smoothly.