Canon PG-275 and CL-276 Printer Cartridges Refill Procedure for TS3522 Printer


I just bought a refill kit from you over the weekend and can’t wait to learn! However, I noticed that there are instructions for refilling the color cartridge but not the black one. My printer is a Canon TS3522, which uses CL-276 and PG-275 cartridges. Do you have any tips on how to refill the black cartridge?


The process is specific to the Canon PG-275 (black) and CL-276 (color) cartridges. I recommend that we do a complete video tutorial: to see how to refill both cartridges. Step 1 — This method applies to all printers that utilize PG-275 and CL-276 cartridges (TS3520 Series (TS3521, TS3522, TS3523, TS3524, TS3525, TS3526, TS3527, TS3528, TS3529), TR4720 Series (TS4721, TS4722, TS4723, TS4724, TS4725, TS4726, TS4727, TS4728 and TS4729)).

Refilling instructions for PG-275 (Black) Cartridge

  1. Prepare Your Aides: You will need a refill kit, ink, a priming clip, and a drill tool.
  2. Drilling a Fill Hole: The PG-275 has no refill hole, so you must drill one at the refill point.
  3. Slowly inject the black ink into the cartridge, avoiding air bubbles.
  4. Prime the Cartridge: If necessary, use a priming clip to expel excess air and allow the ink to flow correctly.
  5. Seal & Test: After being refilled, cover the hole with tape or a plug and check the nozzle on the printer.

Please watch our YouTube guide for a more illustrated walkthrough (

Where to Buy Refill Supplies:

From Amazon:

From BCH Technologies:

Since printer problems are very tangential in nature, tackling the issue is not always a straightforward affair. So, we cannot do any remote troubleshooting, suggestions or printer support through repair. We also have a repair service through our local diagnostic center (, though it is typically booked at high volume on a first-come, first-served foundation; it may take weeks to be able for us to retrieve your printer for drop off. Everything is designed to fix an entire printer or components, and with instructions on what to do for each need. That said, we know our rates aren’t the least expensive. As a result, we strongly encourage you to turn to self help through Internet research. You may begin with YouTube or access our YouTube channel homepage ( by clicking on the search icon beside the “About” menu on the right-hand of the menu bar to find particular videos. We get dozens of questions every day from students asking if we have videos on a particular topic. After nine years of making videos, it’s difficult to keep track of every sing one. So the best way to search the info is to use the YouTube search function. Also, YouTube may recommend-related videos from other channels that can help you out.

Again, thank you for contacting us! Your kind support means the world to us, and we hope that this information helps you refill PG-275 and CL-276 cartridges successfully. You can also visit our YouTube tutorials ( for other troubleshooting. Happy printing!