Troubleshooting Epson L1800 Printer Power-On Issues: F1 Fuse and Other Components


My Epson L1800 printer is dead (no power) and I saw some replacement fuses for F1, F2. Are the fuses the same? There are no choices to choose which one I want to order


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Regarding your trouble with Epson L1800, F1 is not what would stop the mainboard of your printer powering on. Of course, it helps to know what the fuses are in your machine. if you plug your main board back in and its still does not power up you have other issues potentially causing this.

Some of the general areas where you may examine are:

Power bridge transistors regulate the current to your entire printer. They are also the most likely part of this board to burn out and prevent a device from powering on.

FFC cables (Flexible Flat Cables) are flat, ribbon-like cables that can fray or disconnect, causing power loss to major components.

Power supply: If the power unit is not working, the system will be out of order, and you cannot power it on. Verifying that the power supply and its connections are in good condition is essential.

Logic Chips and Capacitors (the printer will work in part because both will help manage that low functioning or processing). Sala qué si falla se puede impedir que la impresora arranque.

The Transistor (Q601) is one of the elements that usually malfunctions if the mainboard isn't working. Sometimes, it stops the mainboard from working; sometimes, it allows it to turn on but prints very slowly.

If inspecting or altering these parts doesn't fix the issue, you will probably need to carry out a complete power evaluation of the system. However, due to the sheer number of potential problems, a proper diagnostic may require professional expertise.

If you have an L1800 or 1390 and still need to replace the F1 fuse, here are their respective replacement parts: F1 & F2 Fuse for Epson L1800/1390 DTG & DTF Printer

Printer issues are particularly challenging, as they typically involve more manual verification steps because the problem is often hardware-related. Due to this, unfortunately, we cannot provide over-the-phone troubleshooting or any form of detailed support for printer repairs. Suppose you would like us to consider repairing your printer. In that case, you may submit an evaluation form using the same link above, Printer Repair Service (, since we accommodate the public with in-person repair services as well, based on first-come-first-served so it could take us several weeks before working on your reached printer.

When you send the printer in or drop it off locally, our services encompass whole-printer repairs and individual part fixes. But do note that we are not always the most budget-friendly option. Instead, we recommend using available online resources for some self-help. Check out our YouTube channel ( Click on the search icon on the channel menu bar to start looking for videos related to your problem.

We would like to say THANK YOU for being here, and we hope this article helps you fix your Epson L1800. Thanks again for your note!