Exploring the Prestige A3+R Printer: A Deep Dive Into Features and Repairs

BCH Technologies is a repair shop that encounters many printer models, exciting layouts, and options. One of our customers recently sent in a Prestige A3+ R Printer for us to examine. This review is based on our own experiences with the unit, and as such, some problems may only be present in some models. However, the design elements in this printer, the know-how of ink management and electronics, customization, etc., offer valuable insights.

Here, we review the critical aspects of the design and performance of Prestige A3+R. If you want to see how we tested and reviewed the machine, check out our video below.

The Design: Build it Up

Case: The case of the Prestige A3+R printer is a mixed bunch. At first glance, the flat top of the unit might look like a helpful place to set inks or other implements, but this is not generally so helpful since you still need to lift that cover for jobs like resetting the ink levels. Homes over a flat top can be improved by making them more useful without opening the cover and having an architectural design.

If you open the printer, you'll see a specially fabricated page feeder. A straight-page feeder runs well if you have generic requirements, but it may not be the ideal choice for everyone. If you want to use this machine with versatility and ease, prefer the curved feeder. If you have made some customizations, we recommend you remove the feeder roller to avoid any inconvenience during printing. Fewer parts to be made means the printer itself can run smoother.

A Deeper Look at the White Ink Management System

Managing ink is critical to printing the best possible quality, especially for capable direct-to-film (DTF) printers. Another highlight of the Prestige A3+R is a unique white ink management system. The only problem was that people needed help with the setup and the overall steady performance.

In particular, the white ink mixer runs at a deficient speed, which the wire might cause. Gradual blade rotation results in the total efficiency of the ink management device. Moreover, this mixer has a steel blade, which leaves space for rust and contamination. This problem also occurs in other systems with rusted metal blades so that you may look for plastic or stainless steel options instead.

That said, a glaring fault of the Prestige A3+R ink system is that it lacks a second tank for white/etc. ink. If not, the peristaltic pump will run all day and be wasted prematurely. Adding a secondary tank would double the pump's life, make it a whole lot quieter, and make it more enjoyable to use. This is an essential modification for those who compulsively use DTF printing, as it might significantly improve their equipment's longevity.


Assessment of the Electronics: Loud to Frightening

The Prestige A3+R is loud, even by the standards of some machines we've looked at. In this video, we show a sound demo, including the highest volume setting. You might find it annoying in shared spaces or even professional places. However, its electronics also have some noise issues we discovered.

We found that when the customer sent the unit in for repair, they stated it was a brand new mainboard; however, from looking at this, we noticed they used an old mainboard. This was particularly troublesome because parts sourced from a used or remanufactured standpoint can have several concerns, including reliability problems, design issues, and even safety hazards. For example, the mainboard's transistors are cut off in different lengths, and if they touch the metal frame underneath, they may cause a short circuit or even catch fire.

The finding was an even more hilarious use of a generic power supply, and not that from the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Epson. Generic power supplies, while occasionally capable of adequate service, are one case in point that resulted in catastrophic burn-out from lousy integration. In most cases, if factory parts are an option, these are best to use to maintain the proper electrical requirements of the device. We provide wiring diagrams for the Prestige A3+R on our website, BCH Technologies, so users can figure out these issues.

APG changes a step-by-step solution( 2 /0)

One significant change we are examining is the printer's Automatic Platen Gap (APG) assembly. The assembly automatically changes the height of the printhead to accommodate varying thicknesses of paper, but in this printer, that entire subsystem has been disabled. Turning off APG is intended to reduce the number of errors, such as the 52H error due to motor or sensor issues.


While this change is a clever hack/scripting, it has difficulties. In the future, we will have issues with correct alignment, especially for media thicker than the previous one, because APG needs to work correctly. Reinstalling the APG system itself would be pretty intricate and require precision work to ensure it is functional. That said, it makes the machine more manageable for essential printing functions, especially in DTF printing.

Button Configuration and Control Panel

However, there are still a few nits to be picked relating to the usability of the Prestige A3+R. Usually, four buttons are on the control panel of this printer model, and no work-to-well button from those four named page buttons has been removed. With the reload paper button, you can instruct the printer to reload new papers when it prematurely thinks it has run out of them. Otherwise, an internet browser will enable pesky pop-ups that will interrupt the printing process and cause inconvenience.

Further, the printer has a page feed-forward and reverse button. However, in our evaluation, resoldering the commands to restore functionality with this page button would primarily improve usability. Upon closer inspection, we consider adding an internal Epson OEM power supply to solidify the unit. Some changes may take a little longer to implement, but they will make a big difference in what can be done with the printer.

Closing thoughts – Prestige A3+R

The Prestige A3+R printer has advantages and disadvantages for those seeking a customizable and efficient DTF printer. Its design isn't the most user-friendly, especially being smaller on the ink system and feeder side, but can be tailored to fit a professional. Based on that, users need to remember the changes with the APG sensor, ink management system, and some of the genuine parts in this new model.


Once you choose the Prestige A3+R or have already purchased one, it is crucial to stay on top of maintenance and look out for concerns with replacements. By thoroughly checking this issue, you can extend the life of the printer and hence use its great performance for a longer time.

In the video below, you can find our review with a detailed video explanation. Of cause, welcome to BCH Technologies for more hints and fixing!