Converting the Epson ET-8550 to DTF Printing


I have an Epson ET-8550 that was converted for sublimation, and now I want to switch to DTF printing. Here’s what I plan to do:

I’m changing the print nipples to AS-PNC-ET8550. I plan to replace the white damper with the AS-DAM-DTGDTF-WHITE V2 model. Should I replace all the dampers, and if so, what do I need? Are the dampers the same? I would also like to change the ink tanks. Can they be cleaned out and reused? I’m adding a white stand-alone ink tank with an agitator and a waste tank chip (QE-C9345-MA) and a timer for the white tank. Am I missing anything?


Thank you for contacting us! We are grateful for your participation and support of BCH Technologies, especially through our YouTube channel, Kevin at BCH on YouTube. Feedback from you helps us improve and expand our technical knowledge.

First, since you are changing your ink intake to AS-PNC-ET8550 nipples, it will also cause all old OEM dampers to be unusable. In this case, you would need to replace them all. The white damper you refer to (AS-DAM-DTGDTF-WHITEV2) is specifically designed for white DTF ink usage and is what we suggest using. The white damper is perfect for inks with high viscosity, such as white ink. Using white damper on color inks will be a little overkill but won't cause any trouble. The white dampers stand a little taller than OEM dampers, so you are required to add some tubing as well, and the scanner won't close without making modifications. We are actively working on a damper that better fits onto this machine, though in the meantime, position everything securely before cycling. Also, we don't use color damper on color ink because the color damper needs a bracket with a clip in the front to make it stay in place. After I research more, I will see if I can develop something to make color dampers work. However, at the current stage, they won't.

 As for reusing the tanks, please don't hesitate to let me know. Since DTF ink can have different properties than sublimation ink, you must ensure it gets cleaned properly. Residue may affect printing if not cleaned well.

It's a good thought, but it's also good to have an agitated white ink management system. We advise you to always follow the description of how the white ink system and timer should be fixed or replaced according to the instructions that came from your components dealer. White ink needs to be agitated consistently to keep it from settling; this is where the timer and agitator kit come in for good use.

 As for the waste tank chip (QE-C9345-MA), it works fine with what you set up. In layman's terms, you need this chip to reset the waste tank counter, or it will just stop working instead of allowing you to maintain your printer without reaching the waste limit. We have developed a holder for the reset, so you don't have to have a bulky tank in the way. However, we don't have it listed yet, so please follow our YouTube channel when we have time to put it to the public.

 Your setup looks pretty solid in terms of not missing anything. Unfortunately, because every conversion can be different, there is no way to guarantee that nothing else will be required. You can tell that we are also making new tools and facing new problems. DTF printing is almost always a process of trial and error, so you may need to make some changes as you go. We will release a series of conversion kits, from easy-to-use kits for beginners to deep dive kits for advanced users. Again, follow our YouTube channel.

 Printers can be challenging to troubleshoot as they tend to be very hands-on. Regrettably, we do not support remote troubleshooting or printer repairs. However, we provide an in-house diagnostic and repair service through our local diagnostic facility, BCH Technologies Printer Repair Service. We offer a first-come-first-serve service, and the time it will take to get your printer serviced if you deliver it in or RMA can take a couple of weeks. We offer printer repair services for entire printers or certain parts and good guidance about what you ought to do next. Right now, our are rates may not be the most competitive in some regions, but we also encourage you to check self-help resources online, beginning with Video tips on YouTube.

Thanks again for your question, and we hope you keep on working with us for all of your printing needs!