UV Ink Care for L1800 Print Head: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of UV ink usage, maintaining and caring for your L1800 print head is crucial to ensure longevity and optimal performance. Users often encounter challenges like printhead damage and nozzle clogging, prompting the need for effective precautions and cleaning techniques. This article explores best practices, potential risks, and a daring cleaning approach shared by a user.

Precautions When Using UV Ink:

UV ink, known for its versatility and quick curing properties, requires specific precautions to safeguard your L1800 print head. When handling UV ink, always wear protective gear, including gloves and eye protection. UV ink can be harsh, and direct contact may lead to skin and eye irritation. Adequate ventilation is essential in the workspace to mitigate inhalation risks associated with the ink's fumes.

Cleaning Techniques and Common Issues:

Printhead damage and nozzle clogging are common concerns for users of UV ink. Despite meticulous cleaning routines, users may encounter persistent issues. To address this, consider a thorough cleaning regimen using a combination of distilled water and alcohol. Regularly clean the printhead using manufacturer-recommended software, ensuring all residual ink is removed.

User Experience: A Bold Cleaning Method:

One user shared a daring yet successful cleaning method for a different printer model (1430), which involved disassembling the printhead. The user removed three screws connecting the upper and lower parts of the printhead. After separation, the upper part was meticulously cleaned with a syringe and distilled water to prevent clogs in the ink suction tubes. The careful reassembly resulted in a rejuvenated print head, capable of producing high-quality prints.

Risk Assessment and Caution:

While this user's experience yielded positive results, it's important to exercise caution. Disassembling a print head carries inherent risks, and unauthorized modifications may void warranties. The user explicitly advises against replicating this method, emphasizing that success hinges on avoiding interference with the electronics within the print head. Always prioritize safety and adhere to manufacturer guidelines to prevent irreversible damage.

Preventing Nozzle Clogging:

Nozzle clogging is a persistent challenge, even for users employing distilled water for cleaning. To prevent clogs effectively, consider regular preventive maintenance. Run nozzle checks and perform test prints to detect issues early on. When switching between different types of ink, conduct thorough flushes to ensure the removal of any residual particles that could lead to clogging.


Maintaining an L1800 print head while using UV ink demands a balance between meticulous cleaning, cautious experimentation, and adherence to safety protocols. Users are encouraged to follow recommended cleaning procedures, employ preventive maintenance, and avoid unauthorized modifications to safeguard their equipment.

For more in-depth insights and technical discussions, subscribe to our YouTube channel BCH Technologies or explore our tech blog. If you're in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, visit us locally for personalized assistance with your printing needs. Your journey to optimal UV ink usage starts here.