Unveiling the Secrets of Epson ET-8550 Printhead Replacement: A Complete Walkthrough

1. An Introduction to the Task

Today we are going to walk through a step-by-step process of removing and replacing the printhead in the Epson ET-8550, a task usually performed in the bustling environment of our BCH Technologies repair shops. This guide is inspired by the work of our dedicated team members, Kevin and Abby, who together make the daunting task seem simple.

2. The Initial Steps: Removing the Printhead Cover

First, it is crucial to remove the printhead cover to gain access to the underlying parts. Abby demonstrates this by unscrewing the two screws that hold the cover in place. Remember to feel around with your fingers to ensure that you've successfully removed the cover. It might take a bit of effort initially, but soon it will flop off, exposing the top of the printer. It is essential to understand that this cover is designed to slot onto the four pegs in the back of the machine. Ensure that you lift the side tab to unlatch it and take note of the hooking mechanism for future reassembly.

3. Proceed with Caution: Removing the Latch and Tension Spring

Once the cover is removed, focus on the latch and tension spring. The dental tools that we routinely use at BCH Technologies come in handy for this precise work. Carefully pull the blue latch backwards, which will reduce the tension on the spring. It can be helpful to maneuver the blue handlebar slightly while you release the spring.

4. The Next Hurdle: Removing the Tube Guard

Now, it's time to remove the tube guard, a plastic piece that needs to be slid out from underneath. Take note of the notches, which are intended to slide under the black plastic pieces that hold the tube guard in place.

5. Organize to Maximize: Numbering the Tubes and Dampers

Afterwards, number all your tubes and the corresponding cartridges to ensure they are returned to their proper place during reassembly. This small step is a game-changer for organization and will save you time down the road.

6. Getting Down to the Details: Removing the Tubes, Dampers and Printhead

The tubes that connect to the cartridges are secured in place by two screws that need to be removed. After disconnecting all the tubes, lift the black plastic piece with the blue handle bar. Then, proceed with unscrewing the six screws holding down the cartridges.

The cartridges may seem tricky at first due to their metal bottom. Utilize a dental tool to pull the metal piece forward and unlock the cartridge. Once you manage to remove the cartridges and clean up any residual ink, you can finally proceed to the printhead.

The printhead is secured with four small screws on each corner. After unscrewing them, you should be able to lift the printhead. There are two FFC cables on each side that need to be disconnected. Finally, your printhead is out and ready to be replaced. You have now successfully completed a detailed disassembly, placing you well on the path to successful printer maintenance.

To see these steps in action, make sure to watch our in-depth tutorial video below.

Embrace the Future of Printing

Once you've got the hang of this process, the Epson ET-8550 printhead replacement will feel less like a daunting task and more like a breeze. Remember, each small step contributes to the whole process and attention to detail is key. Here's to happy printing with BCH Technologies!