Understanding the Printhead FFC Rail Clip Replacement for the ET-15000

Product Link: White Clip for ST-2000 and ET-2750

When operating the ET-15000, a common setback some users face is damaging the printhead clip. Sometimes, a simple reinsertion might suffice. But, in instances where the clip is irreparable, a makeshift solution exists. A white printhead clip from the ET-2750 can be repurposed. Although not the perfect fit, with slight modifications, it can efficiently serve the purpose.

A Closer Look Upon a thorough examination, you might notice the rail clip hanging loose. In tandem, a clear plastic FFC guard can be found displaced, resulting in a jam. These anomalies are vital to address to ensure smooth printer functionality.

Commencing the Repair Process

  1. Safety First: Before diving into repairs, ensure the printer is powered down and disconnected from the mains.
  2. Accessing the Inner Components: Initiate the repair by elevating the scanner. Thanks to its blue support mechanism, it will hold itself in place. This gives you ample room to operate.
  3. Unscrewing the Top Cover: The upper top cover, situated at the front, is fastened with seven screws. Removing these will give you better access to the inner components. With the correct tools, there's no need to detach the scanner entirely.

Dealing with the FFC Cables 

Upon removal of the cover, the FFC cables running behind the rail leading to the mainboard become visible. It's paramount to ensure these cables lay flush against the rail. This arrangement ensures the carriage moves seamlessly without obstructions.

Choosing the Correct Clip 

While the black rail clip from the ET-15000 and the white clip from the ST-2000 appear similar, subtle differences exist. Notably, the white clip lacks a hook on its right side, crucial for supporting the FFC cables' plastic guard. To circumvent this issue, consider removing the plastic FFC guard. This action requires slight adjustments around the carriage where the cable binds. By delicately manipulating the T-cross intersection, you can free the cables encircling it, making the white clip from ST-2000 a viable replacement.

Final Thoughts 

Adapting components from different models might seem unorthodox. However, in situations demanding immediate solutions, such improvisations prove invaluable. For those eager to visualize this procedure, we have a detailed video below showcasing the entire process.

For a deeper dive into printer solutions and more, don't hesitate to explore BCH Technologies' extensive knowledge base or visit our local outlet in Greensboro, North Carolina. Here's to error-free and happy printing sessions!