Troubleshooting the Epson SCP800: Resolving Error Codes 0x1101 and Fatal Code 01h

Question: I have an Epson SCP800 in my shop displaying error code 0x1101. When entering inspection mode, I encounter a fatal code: 01h. Despite replacing the ink tubes as suggested by the service program, the error persists, and I am unable to reset the tubes due to the system reverting to the error state. Any advice on how to power on the printer and successfully reset the ink tubes?

Answer: Thank you for contacting us, Freddie. We at BCH Technologies appreciate your engagement and support, especially through our YouTube channel. Your insights are invaluable to our community's ongoing technical development.

Regarding your Epson SCP-800 and the issues you're facing with error code 0x1101 and fatal code 01h, here's a detailed response that might help. The error code 0x1101 on the Epson SCP800 usually signifies a CR life error, indicating that the CR scan path counter has reached its maximum capacity, commonly linked to the end of life of the Ink Supply Tube. Replacing the Ink Supply Tube is the correct approach, which you have already done. However, it's crucial to also reset the counter using the Adjustment Program.

If you haven't done so, the Adjustment Program is necessary to reset the counter after such a replacement. This program is usually available from Epson or possibly through third-party sources (hint: google "SC-P800 Adjustment Program"). Additionally, check the CR motor (MOTOR ASSY., CR), the driven pulley, the Carriage Unit, and the Head FFC for any signs of abnormal noise or wear. If you find any issues, these parts should also be replaced along with the Ink Supply Tube to ensure everything functions smoothly.

Addressing printer issues like these can be quite complex due to the hands-on nature of the work. For example, while a simple clog might require basic unclogging steps, if the printer has been inactive for a long period, a more thorough servicing of the ink system might be needed. Similarly, common problems like "paper jams" can have numerous causes, often becoming a running joke in the office due to their unpredictability. We can't offer remote troubleshooting, but we do provide an in-person evaluation and repair service at our local diagnostic facility. We operate on a first-come, first-served basis, so please consider booking in advance. For more immediate guidance, we encourage you to utilize resources like our YouTube channel. Our videos cover a wide range of topics and troubleshooting techniques.

Thank you once again for reaching out, Freddie. We look forward to helping you resolve these printer issues and appreciate your contributions to the BCH Technologies community.