Troubleshooting Print Streaking on Epson P700: A Comprehensive Guide

If you've encountered faint vertical banding on your Epson P700 after a period of inactivity, fear not. This issue can be resolved through a systematic approach, and we're here to guide you through the process.

Nozzle Check and Preliminary Cleaning

After a few months of disuse, it's common to find some colors with nozzle clogging. One user shared a successful method of placing a folded paper towel soaked in Windex under the print head overnight. This effectively cleared the clogs, as confirmed by a subsequent perfect nozzle check. However, the user noticed faint vertical banding when printing photos the next day.

Diagnosing the Issue: Mechanics or Dirty Purge Unit

A helpful contributor in the conversation rightly points out that if the print head is clean and the nozzle check is perfect, banding can result from bad mechanics or a dirty purge unit. Horizontal movement of the print head versus the vertical orientation of the banding suggests a potential problem outside the print head.

Investigating Dirty Rollers and Timing/CR Encoder Strip

Could the issue be attributed to dirty rollers or a contaminated timing/CR encoder strip? The discussion suggests looking into problems caused by a dirty timing strip. Users are advised to inspect and clean these components to ensure optimal performance.

Visualizing the Problem: Share Images for Better Diagnosis

To provide precise solutions, it's always beneficial to share images of the problem. One user wisely requests an image of the issue, helping the community understand the specific characteristics of the faint vertical banding.

Addressing Maintenance Box and Low Ink Warnings

A user facing a washed-out print and maintenance box nearing the end of its service life gets guidance. Surprisingly, the maintenance box is linked to print quality. Additionally, low ink warnings for yellow, VLM, and V inks prompt a suggestion to replace the cartridges.

Horizontal Streaks: Potential Print Head Problem

Upon closer inspection of the shared image, it's noted that the streaks are horizontal, indicating a probable print head issue due to low ink levels or clogging. However, it's reiterated that if the nozzle check is okay, the print should be fine too.

Action Steps: Replace Cartridges and Maintenance Box

To tackle the horizontal streaks, users are advised to replace the cartridges with low ink levels, especially yellow, VLM, and V. Simultaneously, the impending replacement of the maintenance box is recommended. Visual checks of the purge unit pads are essential, and if found dirty, a careful cleaning process is outlined using a lint-free paper towel moistened with window cleaner.

Locating Purge Unit Pads

In response to a user's query about the purge unit pads' location, the clarification is provided that these pads are where the print head parks when the printer is turned off, mostly situated on the right side.


Troubleshooting print issues on the Epson P700 involves a comprehensive approach, considering factors beyond the print head. Regular maintenance, cartridge replacement, and visual inspections can collectively contribute to restoring optimal print quality.

For more detailed guides and tech insights, consider following our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies or exploring our tech blog. If you're in Greensboro, North Carolina, visit us locally for expert assistance.

Happy Printing!