Troubleshooting Guide: Epson XP 245 Not Printing Black

Encountering printing issues with your Epson XP 245 printer can be frustrating, especially when the problem seems to persist despite your best efforts. If you're facing a situation where your printer refuses to print black, even after multiple attempts at cleaning and maintenance, fret not. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to address this issue effectively.

Identifying the Problem:

When your printer fails to produce black ink despite seemingly functional cartridges and printheads, the culprit could be ink buildup or blockage within the printhead or ink channels. This is a common issue, particularly when using third-party ink cartridges over an extended period.

Manual Cleaning Process:

  1. Prepare the Setup: Start by turning on the printer and allowing the printhead to initiate its startup sequence. Once it's in motion, unplug the printer to enable free movement of the printhead.
  2. Create Cleaning Solution: Mix 80% Isopropyl Alcohol with 20% Windex (containing Ammonia) and saturate a paper towel with the solution. Place the soaked paper towel on a strip of parchment paper, ensuring coverage under the printhead.
  3. Remove Cartridges: Take out the ink cartridges from the printhead carriage to avoid any interference during the cleaning process.
  4. Cleaning Procedure: Slide the printhead carriage over the soaked paper towel and let it sit for 15 minutes to overnight for thorough cleaning. Simultaneously, use a Q-tip soaked in Isopropyl Alcohol to manually clean each nozzle.
  5. Final Steps: After the cleaning period, carefully remove the soaked paper towel and parchment. Reinstall the ink cartridges, preferably with full ones, and run the head cleaning process through the printer's tools/software. Perform nozzle check patterns intermittently until achieving a clean nozzle print.

Additional Tips:

  • Extended Soaking: If the initial cleaning doesn't yield desired results, consider allowing the printhead to soak in a cleaning solution overnight. This can help dissolve stubborn ink deposits inside.
  • Patience is Key: Sometimes, despite initial setbacks, giving the printer more time to settle can lead to gradual improvement in printing performance.
  • Ink Brand Consideration: The quality and compatibility of ink brands can significantly impact printing outcomes. Ensure you're using reputable ink brands suitable for your printer model.

Success Stories: 

Many users have successfully revived their printers by following these steps diligently. One user, who had been experiencing persistent black ink printing issues, reported significant improvement after a thorough manual cleaning process. Despite initial concerns about printhead damage, the printer began functioning normally after allowing more time for the ink to settle.


Resolving black ink printing issues in your Epson XP 245 printer requires patience, meticulous cleaning, and sometimes, a bit of experimentation. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering additional tips, you can effectively troubleshoot and restore your printer's functionality.

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