The Future of Screen Printing: The Hybrid and CTS Approach

Screen printing has been around for centuries, and its techniques have evolved dramatically. One of the most intriguing advancements in recent times is the integration of digital printing. For businesses that already have a screen print press, this new hybrid approach can be added seamlessly, enhancing the capabilities. But for newcomers, both the screen press and the digital print head are essential.

Pros of the Hybrid Printing Approach:

  1. Upgradation: Those with an existing screen print press can easily upgrade.
  2. Versatility: This method bridges the gap between traditional and digital printing.

However, every silver lining has a cloud.


  1. Cost: The initial investment can be a deterrent. The technology doesn't come cheap.
  2. Maintenance: Print heads demand regular care, adding to the ownership costs.
  3. Limited Variable Data: Not as flexible as full-digital systems in handling variable data.
  4. Color Restrictions: Getting an exact shade like 'GM blue' may be a task.

Despite the challenges, when I closely collaborated with fanatics during their hybrid printing beginnings, we broke barriers to balance colors perfectly. With the constant advancement, machines today are diving into more expansive color gamuts for better quality.

One method involves laying the white screen print as the base. The subsequent digital ink colors overlay the white, wet. This technique strengthens the bond between inks, promising vibrancy and longevity.

The Computer To Screen (CTS) Edge:

The most transformative in this arena is the Computer To Screen (CTS) technology. The old screen printing ritual involves using a film stencil, exposing the screen to light, and then washing it. CTS is the game-changer.

Here's how:

  • Digital Precision: CTS digitally crafts screens, ensuring each image is in the exact place.
  • Speed: Screens are ready in a flash, with some under a minute.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Films? A thing of the past. Save resources and money.
  • Top-Notch Quality: Increased resolution, zero pinholes. Dirt and glass interference? Gone.

Importantly, I've had hands-on experience with such systems. The one I built personally comes equipped with adapters for certain machines, which have unique screen setups. For instance, a European firm, Delco, has its distinct configuration. Meanwhile, another system named Rock mirrors the design of MR but with a twist; the registration is flipped. Hence, we adapt by flipping the artwork and printing on the opposite screen end.

Every machine varies, yet they all possess built-in pre-registration systems. With the Tri lock feature on some presses, manual alignment becomes obsolete. This precision and consistency eliminate the tiresome process of registration, ensuring fast screen turnaround and perfect alignment. What's more, the benefits don't stop here:

  • Rapid Turnaround: You can get a screen ready in just 60 seconds.
  • High Productivity: Reduced setup times elevate overall productivity.
  • Easy Archiving: Gone are the days of cluttered films. Everything that once took up space can now be stored on a 2 terabyte hard drive, making it easily accessible and organized.

Yet, while CTS offers a multitude of advantages, there's a caveat. The entry cost is still on the higher side, and some level of atmospheric control is essential. It's crucial to ensure the equipment isn't exposed to extreme conditions like freezing.

In conclusion, as the screen printing domain morphs, embracing advancements like hybrid printing and CTS will be the way forward. These technologies not only elevate quality and speed but also chart out new paths in the printing cosmos.For those seeking cutting-edge innovations in printing, troubleshooting assistance, or simply needing to restock on printing supplies, make your next stop From regular printer refills to specialized supplies for sublimation and DTF printing, we have it all. Dive deeper into the world of printing by visiting our YouTube channel, Kevin at BCH. With an array of informative videos, Kevin's expertise is just a click away, ready to guide you through any challenge you might face in the printing realm. If you're in the area or planning a visit, drop by and see us in Greensboro, North Carolina!