Tech Overview: Troubleshooting Solid Black Printing Issues on Mutoh STS 628D

Printing issues can be a headache, especially when a previously flawless job starts showing inconsistencies. A recent conversation highlights a case where blacks and dark colors weren't laying down solid on a Mutoh STS 628D printer. This article explores the problem-solving journey of the user and offers insights into potential causes and solutions.

Identifying the Issue: Ink/Film Combination

The user initially noticed a cracked appearance in the prints, suspecting a possible issue with the ink or film combination. Another user chimed in, suggesting that the problem could be related to overloading the film with ink, particularly in specific spots. They shared their positive experience with DTFSuperstore and emphasized the importance of bulk purchasing to streamline settings for a particular batch of supplies.

Investigating Film Supplier and Type

To further diagnose the issue, the user shared their supplier and type of supplies. They sourced their materials from All American Print, using STS 1-liter bulk packs of inks. However, they recently switched to Ecofreen film due to the unavailability of their regular brand. The suspicion arose that the film switch might be the culprit.

Adjusting Settings and Exploring Alternatives

The user attempted to address the issue by adjusting the white under percentage and running tests with varying levels of black. Despite these efforts, the problem persisted. Another user suggested trying composite black instead of pure black, as well as exploring alternative films that match the user's preferred settings. The mention of potential challenges with hot peel films and their preference for "hybrid" films shed light on the intricacies of film selection.

Resolution and Follow-up Testing

Resolution became a focal point, with the suggestion to switch back to the original film to see if the issue persists. The discussion touched upon experiences with hot peel films and their potential issues, including transfers falling off the film too easily. The importance of nozzle checks and ink flow in prints, particularly with specific colors, was also highlighted.

Solving the Problem: Cold Peel Film

In a subsequent update, the user identified the root cause—using hot peel film instead of cold peel. Switching to an economy cold peel film resolved the problem, leading to solid blacks in the prints. The user found success with DTF Superstore, praising the affordability and proximity of the supplier.

Conclusion and Community Support

The conversation concluded with the user expressing gratitude for the support received. The suggestion to cure the prints before applying powder and the subsequent recommendation to cure a bit before powder application may be beneficial for others facing similar issues.

In summary, troubleshooting printing issues involves a systematic approach, from examining ink/film combinations to adjusting settings and exploring alternative materials. The importance of community support and shared experiences in forums like the one mentioned underscores the collaborative nature of problem-solving in the printing world.

For more insights and tech tips, consider following BCH Technologies on YouTube, checking out their tech blog, or visiting their local store in Greensboro, North Carolina. Happy printing!