Resolving P400 Printer Issues: A Technical Overview

Dealing with a persistent print head clog on your P400 printer can be frustrating. One user shared their experience on an online forum, seeking help after encountering flashing lights on both the paper and ink indicators. The user expressed concern about potential damage to the main board and sought advice on available options.

Identifying the Error Code: Wicreset to the Rescue

A helpful suggestion came in the form of downloading Wicreset to identify the error code. The reported error, "0xFE," pointed to various issues, including PF PID excess speed, driving time error, encoder failure, motor driver failure, main board failure, mechanism overload, or cable disconnection. The complexity of these potential problems required a systematic approach to troubleshooting.

Listening for Clues: Noises and Additional Error Codes

To delve deeper into the issue, the conversation turned to identifying unusual sounds before the error occurred. The user reported a faint click, possibly from the capping station attempting to engage with the print head. Another error code, "0x44," indicated a communication error between the print head and the main board, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation.

Pinpointing the Culprit: Printhead vs. Main Board

As the discussion unfolded, the focus shifted to determining whether the main board or the print head was the culprit. While one user suggested checking for liquid on the ribbon cables and recommended replacing both components to prevent potential damage, another user shared their experience, stating that in similar situations, it was often the print head, not the main board, causing the issue.

Market Considerations: Selling a Used Printhead

The conversation took an interesting turn when the user discovered liquid on the ribbon cables, prompting questions about the marketability of a print head in such condition. The consensus among contributors leaned towards skepticism, with one user advising against selling a used printhead with clogged nozzles and potential liquid damage.

A Surprising Twist: A Last-Ditch Effort

In a surprising twist, the user shared a successful attempt at salvaging the seemingly damaged print head. After allowing it to dry in high humidity, the user reinstalled the print head for a last-ditch effort before considering disposal. The unexpected revival raised questions about handling major clogs.

Recommendations for Major Clogging: A Cautionary Approach

In response to the revived print head still experiencing major clogging, the conversation ended with an open call for recommendations. Given the complexity of the issue, caution was advised against manual flushing of print heads, as it often led to undesirable outcomes, regardless of the user's careful approach.

In conclusion, addressing P400 printer issues requires a systematic approach, from identifying error codes using tools like Wicreset to determining the root cause between the print head and main board. The surprising revival of a seemingly damaged print head serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of printer issues. For more tech insights and troubleshooting tips, follow the BCH Technologies YouTube channel ( or explore their tech blog. Additionally, local support is available in Greensboro, North Carolina.