Resolving Blinking Lights on Epson L805 Printers:

Question: I have two Epson L805 printers and both have blinking lights. What should I do?

Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about your Epson L805 printers. We at BCH Technologies appreciate your engagement, especially your involvement with our BCH Technologies YouTube Channel. Your feedback is essential for us to refine our support and enhance our technical expertise.

Regarding the issue with your printers where all lights are blinking, this is generally indicative of a fatal error. The blinking lights are a signal designed by Epson to alert users that the printer has encountered a significant issue.

Here's how you can diagnose and possibly resolve the error using the Epson Adjustment Program:

  1. Initiate the Adjustment Program: This tool is crucial for diagnosing printer issues. You can access the Adjustment Program through Epson’s official support channel, authorized providers, or a reputable online search. Make sure to download the program specifically for the Epson L805 model.
  2. Enter Particular Adjustment Mode: Once the program is open, navigate to the "Particular Adjustment Mode". This mode allows you to access specific diagnostic tools tailored for your printer.
  3. Perform a Printer Information Check: In the Adjustment Mode, select "Printer Information Check" and click the "Check" button. This will pull up a list of error codes, displaying the most recent errors first. These error codes will help identify what specific issue your printer is experiencing.

Understanding these error codes is key to pinpointing the root cause of the blinking lights. Some common issues might include problems with the printer's hardware, such as a jammed feeder, a faulty sensor, or issues related to the printer’s firmware.

Printer maintenance and troubleshooting can often be complex, given the detailed and hands-on nature of the tasks involved. For instance, resolving what might seem like a simple sensor issue could actually require more comprehensive adjustments or replacements. Moreover, issues like "paper jams" can stem from numerous causes, making them frequent topics of troubleshooting discussions.

We do not offer remote troubleshooting but do provide in-person diagnostics and repair services at our BCH Technologies Printer Repair Service facility. Due to the high demand for our services, we operate on a first-come, first-served basis. It may take some time before you can bring your printer in for repair, and we offer detailed instructions for both mail-in and local drop-off options.

We understand that not everyone will find our rates economical, which is why we encourage seeking solutions through self-help options and online tutorials. You can start by visiting our YouTube channel’s homepage (BCH Technologies YouTube), where you can use the search function to find specific videos that might address your issue. Additionally, YouTube may recommend helpful videos from other content creators.

Thank you once again for your inquiry and for supporting BCH Technologies. We hope this guide helps you resolve the blinking lights issue on your Epson L805 printers, and we are here to assist further should you need more support.