Printing Folded Booklets on Non-Duplex Printers: A Comprehensive Guide

Printing booklets on non-duplex printers can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to arranging pages in the correct order. In this tech overview, we'll explore the challenges faced by users like you and present effective solutions to streamline the process.

The Dilemma with Non-Duplex Printers

Non-duplex printers pose a unique challenge for booklet printing. Unlike duplex printers that automatically print on both sides, non-duplex printers require manual intervention to flip and print the second side. This complicates the page order, making it essential to find a workaround for a seamless booklet printing experience.

Epson 1500W User's Challenge

One user, facing this issue with an Epson 1500W, expressed frustration with the default booklet printing function. The printer grouped pages in sets of four, requiring manual folding and stacking before binding, contrary to the desired single-fold approach.

A User-Suggested Solution

To address this challenge, a forum participant recommended a specific page order for a 16-page folded booklet, emphasizing the need for a program capable of automating this process. The suggested sequence involves printing eight pages on one side, followed by flipping the remaining eight pages longways for the second side.

Third-Party Solutions

The discussion led to the revelation of a third-party program designed to simplify booklet printing on non-duplex printers. Gervase Markham's software, accessible at, was highlighted as a potential solution. This tool aims to calculate the correct page order, offering a more user-friendly experience for non-duplex printer users.

Adobe Acrobat Pro as an Alternative

In addition to third-party software, users were directed to explore booklet options featured in Adobe Acrobat Pro for printing PDFs. Despite its duplex printer-oriented default, Adobe Acrobat Pro may provide a viable solution for non-duplex printers with some testing and customization.

Cautionary Note on Page Selection

It's essential to be mindful of potential complications, even with booklet-oriented software. The risk of the printer picking double or triple pages remains, particularly on non-duplex printers. Users are encouraged to conduct thorough tests to ensure optimal performance and avoid unwanted printing errors.


The challenge of printing folded booklets on non-duplex printers can be addressed with the right tools and techniques. Third-party programs like Gervase Markham's offer a promising solution, and Adobe Acrobat Pro may also be tailored for non-duplex printing with careful testing. Users are encouraged to explore these options and conduct tests to find the most suitable solution for their specific printer model.

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