Optimizing OCR Scanning: A Guide for Epson Users

Problem Overview:

If you've encountered challenges with your Epson printer and ABBYY Finereader OCR software, you're not alone. Users often face issues when attempting to save OCR results, especially when Microsoft Word is the suggested destination, and they don't have the software. Fortunately, there are viable solutions and alternative options.

Saving OCR Output Without Microsoft Word:

When using ABBYY Finereader OCR and confronted with the Word-centric saving prompt, fear not. You can circumvent this limitation by saving the OCR output to any folder on your computer. Follow these steps for a hassle-free process:

  1. Navigate to the top of the screen on the finished OCR product.
  2. Click on "File" and select "Save As."
  3. Name your file appropriately.
  4. Browse for your desired folder location.
  5. Click 'Save.'

This method allows you to store your OCR output without the need for Microsoft Word. Your saved file can then be accessed and edited using various free alternatives like Google Docs or LibreOffice.

Consider Free Alternatives:

If you find yourself without Microsoft Word, don't worry. ABBYY Finereader OCR doesn't confine you to a single software choice. When prompted to select the output format, specify .doc, .rtf, .docx, .odt, or .txt. Ensure that your chosen reader application is compatible with your selection.

For instance, Windows' built-in WORDPAD, available from Windows 7 to 10, can open most of the mentioned file formats. While it provides limited editing capabilities, it serves as a handy alternative for basic document manipulation.

Exploring Printer Options:

Curious about the compatibility of OCR scanning with a different printer? Fear not; you're not restricted in your output choices. Whether you switch to another Epson printer or opt for a different brand, the ability to save OCR output is not exclusive to Microsoft Word.

Regardless of the printer brand, you can save your OCR results in formats like PDF or TXT. This flexibility ensures that you can seamlessly integrate OCR scanning into your workflow, regardless of the printer you choose.

Community Support and Additional Resources:

Engaging in forums or seeking advice from experienced users can provide valuable insights. If you're facing challenges, remember that online communities and forums often harbor a wealth of knowledge.

For ongoing support and tech insights, consider following our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies. We also invite you to explore more tech-related content on our blog. If you're in Greensboro, North Carolina, feel free to visit us locally for hands-on assistance.


The world of OCR scanning is not confined to Microsoft Word. With a few simple steps, you can save your OCR output without the need for expensive software. Explore alternative applications, consider your printer options, and tap into community knowledge for a seamless OCR experience. Happy scanning!