Optimizing Multi-Color Printing on a Workhorse Automatic Press

When using a Workhorse Automatic Press for multi-color printing, particularly with neon colors, efficiency is key. This article outlines steps to optimize your printing process, reduce cycle times, and improve overall productivity.

Understanding the Current Setup

In the current setup, the press operates with an 8-head, single-flash system, handling a three-color design. The process involves:

  • White underbase loaded into the flash screen.
  • Flash curing the underbase.
  • Applying Neon Green.
  • Flash curing again.
  • Applying Neon Pink and unloading.

Currently, the process yields 16-24 prints per hour, similar to manual operation. The goal is to increase the speed while maintaining print quality.

Optimizing Flash and Print Sequence

  1. Flash Settings and Sequencing:
    • Adjust flash settings to ensure minimal curing time without compromising print quality. Flash only the underbase for a few seconds to prevent ink from sticking to the screens in subsequent prints.
    • Use high-opacity inks to reduce the number of passes required. For neons, consider adding a non-neon color to increase opacity.
  2. Screen and Ink Adjustments:
    • Use a higher mesh count for neon colors. This may seem counterintuitive, but higher mesh screens can produce brighter and softer prints.
    • Adjust off-contact pressure and ink viscosity. Balancing these factors can significantly reduce screen stick issues when printing wet-on-wet.
    • Print smaller areas first to manage ink distribution effectively.

Maximizing Throughput

  1. Use a Two-Person System:
    • Having one person load and another unload can significantly increase throughput. This approach is crucial for maintaining a steady workflow and achieving higher print rates.
  2. Proper Flash Timing:
    • Set up the machine so the flash head is only activated when necessary. Using print stroke speed to time the flash can help streamline the process. Avoid unnecessary flashing steps to save time.
  3. Screen Angles and Blade Adjustments:
    • Use a 160 thin thread for the flash screen with a 17-20° angle and a stiff blade. This setup helps achieve a precise and consistent underbase.
  4. Advanced Techniques:
    • Consider running a Flashback or Plug and Go Quartz flash. For Flashback systems, use the print table up setting and ensure the screen holder is tightly secured. Adjust the print stroke speed to time the flash accurately, avoiding the use of flood bars or squeegees during this step.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Screen Stick Issues:
    • When printing wet-on-wet, screen stick can be a common problem. Ensure off-contact settings are correct and inks have the right viscosity. Flash only the underbase lightly to avoid buildup.
  2. Ink Opacity:
    • Low-opacity neon inks often require multiple passes. Mix in a small amount of a non-neon color to increase opacity and achieve the desired brightness with fewer passes.


Optimizing your Workhorse Automatic Press for multi-color designs involves fine-tuning flash settings, screen and ink adjustments, and efficient workflow management. Implementing these strategies can significantly increase print speeds and overall productivity. If you need further assistance, consider consulting a professional for a hands-on demonstration.

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