New Epson F2000 Printer Tube Washing Kit Procedure

The Epson F2000 Printer Tube Washing Kit provides a cost-effective alternative to the standard monthly white tube flushing procedure. This guide outlines the step-by-step process to effectively utilize this kit for maintaining your printer.


Before initiating the tube washing procedure, ensure that your printer has firmware version CL022G8 installed. Additionally, it's essential to enable ECO mode. To do this, verify that the latest firmware is installed, then navigate to Printer Setup -> Tube Washing Setup -> ECO. You'll have the option to select between ECO and Standard modes.

Tube Washing Process:

  1. When prompted by the "Tube Washing Needed" message on the control panel screen, press the up/down arrow and select OK. This message will appear during power-off and after 20 hours of continuous power-on. The print head will then move off the parking cap and to the right of the printer.
  2. Open the Printer Top Cover as directed.
  3. Prepare 10ml of cleaning liquid in the provided plastic cup.
  4. Fill the supplied pipette with liquid from the cup.
  5. On the control panel, press the down arrow to initiate suction by the pump assembly. You will hear the pump noise.
  6. Inject the cleaning liquid from the pipette directly into the suction cap, ensuring no drips, overruns, or splashes. The liquid should drain quickly from the cap. If the pump stops, press the down arrow again. If the liquid does not drain, clean the cap using the printer maintenance kit and an inter-dental brush on the drain holes.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all 10 ml of cleaning liquid has been used. Do not exceed the recommended 10 ml.
  8. Close the cover once the procedure is complete.

Important Notes:

  1. Routine cleaning of the cap with the provided swabs and cleaning fluid from the Printer Maintenance Kit is still necessary for maintaining the seal of the cap to the print head and removing excess ink buildup. Weekly cleaning is recommended.
  2. The fluid in the Tube Cleaning Kit differs from that in the Printer Maintenance Kit. Do not interchange their use. The Tube Cleaning Kit fluid is more aggressive on dissolving ink and is not intended for the print head nozzles.
  3. Any spilled fluid on the Parking Cap should be cleaned with a dry swab. The Parking Cap must remain dry.
  4. Do not exceed the recommended 10 ml of fluid per ECO wash to prevent overflow of the maintenance ink tank.
  5. The printer does not need to be powered on to perform the ECO wash daily. If the printer remains unused, it can sit for several days without the washing. However, if more than 20 hours have passed, the user will receive a "Tube Washing Needed" message upon power-up.
  6. When reverting to the Standard Monthly Tube wash, note that the Tube Wash will be due 30 days from the last Standard Wash, not the date of the last ECO wash.

Additional Support and Resources:

For further assistance or clarification on the correct settings and procedures, feel free to contact our support department. Additionally, for visual learners, we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel for instructional videos. You can also visit our tech blog for more insightful articles on printer maintenance and troubleshooting.

By adopting the Epson F2000 Printer Tube Washing Kit procedure, you can efficiently maintain your printer, reduce ink wastage, and optimize printing performance.