HP Cartridge Design Changes: Refilling Tips for Startup Cartridges

If you are a frequent printer user, you know how quickly ink cartridges can run out, and the cost of replacement cartridges can add up. This is why many people turn to refilling their cartridges to save money. However, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-changing cartridge designs, especially when it comes to startup cartridges. In this article, we will discuss the recent modifications made by HP to their startup cartridges and provide tips on how to refill them.

Recently, HP made some significant changes to their cartridge design, especially for the startup cartridges. The startup cartridges are the ones that come with the printer and have a lower ink capacity than the XL cartridges. These changes affect both black and color cartridges and require different refilling techniques.

Let's start with the black startup cartridge. HP has added an opening between the front and back chambers, and the inkstand is now visible on the wall of the back chamber. This means that HP is now using the back chamber, just like the XL cartridges. This is good news for refillers because it means that we can refill the black startup cartridges from the back chamber. However, it is essential to note that you can still refill the front chamber if you prefer. This is a matter of personal preference and does not affect the quality of the printout.

For the color startup cartridges, HP has expanded the sponge to make it longer, and as a result, the back chamber is gone. The entire cartridge is now a big piece of sponge. This means that you can no longer refill the back chamber for color cartridges. Instead, you should use the front chamber refill. It is crucial to ensure that you refill the cartridge slowly to avoid overfilling the sponge.

Now that you know the changes made by HP to their startup cartridges let's talk about some refilling tips. First, always make sure that you have the right ink type and color for your cartridge. Using the wrong ink type or color can result in poor print quality and damage to your printer. It is also essential to avoid overfilling the cartridge, as this can cause ink to leak, resulting in messy prints.

When refilling your cartridge, take your time and do it slowly. Refilling too quickly can result in air bubbles in the cartridge, affecting the ink flow and causing streaks in the printout. It is also essential to ensure that the cartridge is cleaned properly before refilling. Use a lint-free cloth to clean the cartridge's print head and remove any dried ink or debris.

In conclusion, refilling cartridges can save you a lot of money in the long run. However, it is crucial to keep up with the ever-changing cartridge designs to ensure that you refill them correctly. With the recent modifications made by HP to their startup cartridges, you can now refill the black startup cartridge from the back chamber, and for color cartridges, use the front chamber. By following the refilling tips provided, you can ensure that your prints come out clean and clear, and you save money on printing costs.

Visit us atwww.bchtechnologies.com or locally at Greensboro, North Carolina, for all your printer maintenance needs.