How to Tax Screen-Printed T-Shirts: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding how to tax screen-printed t-shirts can be complex. This guide will help you navigate the taxation process, ensuring compliance with local tax laws and maximizing your business efficiency. Below, we explore the key considerations for taxing screen-printed t-shirts and provide actionable advice for managing your business expenses and taxes.

Determining the Taxable Amount

When a customer orders custom screen-printed t-shirts, you need to calculate the sales tax based on the total sale price, not just the cost of materials. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach this:

  1. Calculate Total Sales Price: Add up all costs involved in producing the t-shirts, including the cost of blank t-shirts, ink, utilities, chemicals, labor, and profit. For example, if your total cost is $100, this is your taxable amount.
  2. Apply Local Sales Tax: Use the sales tax rate applicable in your area. For instance, if the sales tax rate in your county is 7.5%, apply this rate to the total sales price. In our example, $100 plus 7.5% sales tax results in a total charge to the customer of $107.50.
  3. Understand Double Taxation Concerns: While it may seem like double taxation to include materials and supplies in your taxable amount, remember that the sales tax applies to the final sale price of the product. The tax you paid on supplies is different from the sales tax you charge your customers.

Tax Exemption for Supplies

To avoid paying unnecessary taxes on your supplies, ensure you are purchasing them tax-exempt if you plan to resell the goods. Here's how:

  • Register for a Resale Certificate: Obtain a resale certificate from your state’s tax authority. This allows you to purchase supplies without paying sales tax, as you will be reselling them as part of your finished product.
  • Inform Suppliers: Provide your suppliers with your resale certificate so they do not charge you sales tax on purchases meant for resale.

Handling Equipment Purchases

When buying equipment for your business, such as from Craigslist, you can often write off these expenses. Here are the steps:

  1. Document the Purchase: Keep detailed records and receipts of all equipment purchases.
  2. Understand Write-Offs: Some equipment can be written off immediately, while others may need to be depreciated over time. Consult with an accountant to determine the best approach for your specific situation.
  3. Deducting Expenses: Equipment expenses can generally be deducted from your taxable income, reducing the amount of income tax you owe.

Seeking Professional Advice

While this guide provides a comprehensive overview, it's crucial to consult with an accountant to ensure full compliance with tax laws and to optimize your tax strategy. Accountants can provide personalized advice based on your specific business circumstances, including:

  • Income Tax Implications: Understanding federal and state income tax requirements for your business.
  • Expense Management: Strategies for managing and documenting expenses to maximize tax deductions.
  • Compliance: Ensuring all your tax practices comply with local and federal regulations.


Taxing screen-printed t-shirts involves calculating the total sales price, applying the appropriate sales tax rate, and ensuring tax exemption for supplies. Proper documentation and consultation with an accountant are key to managing your business taxes effectively. For more detailed advice and insights, follow our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies or visit our Tech blog. If you're local, consider stopping by our office in Greensboro, North Carolina.

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