How much ink is in HP 564, 902, 920, 932, 933, 950 XL cartridges?

HP 564 CartridgeYou may have wondered about regular vs XL cartridges if you own an HP printer.  So which cartridge should you use and is there a way to save money by choosing smartly? HP does not give out their ink volumes for all cartridges.  Instead, they use an "estimated yield",  As an example, the black HP 564 is estimated to yield 250  standard pages. If you refill a cartridge, you may scratch your head and wonder how much ink to put in each cartridge.  Here is a list of ink volume for some popular HP cartridges.  These are the results from new HP OEM cartridges tested by BCH Technologies and results may vary.

Cartridge                XL Volume (ml)      Regular Volume (ml)
564 Black 18 6
564 Photo Black 6 3
564 Cyan 6 3
564 Magenta 6 3
564 Yellow 6 3
902 Black 18 6.5
902 Cyan 6 3
902 Magenta 6 3
902 Yellow 6 3
920 Black 49 10
920 Cyan 6 2.5
920 Magenta 6 2.5
920 Yellow 6 2.5
932 Black 22.5 8.5
933 Cyan 8.5 4
933 Magenta 9 4
933 Yellow 8.5 4
950 Black 53 24
950 Cyan 24 8.5
950 Magenta 17 8
950 Yellow 17 8