Demystifying the ST-2000 ET-2750 ET-2720 Front Paper Jam: Rectifying the Fallen Roller Issue

As technologies evolve, so does the complexity that comes with using these innovations. One such technological advance is the Direct to Film (DTF) printer which is becoming increasingly popular in various sectors. However, like most devices, it can run into issues such as the ET-2000 Front Paper Jam, caused by a fallen roller. Our friends Kevin and Abby at BCH Technologies have provided an insightful explanation and solution to this problem.

1. Identifying the Issue

Every error has an origin. In the case of the DTF printer, one of the common issues arises after removing the star wheels, which can cause the front roller to dislodge, leading to paper jams. This is a recurring problem that many encounter, but with a bit of attention and patience, it can be resolved.

Abby observed that the paper jammed at the front when the printer attempted to eject the print. Upon closer examination, she noticed the right side of the front roller was out of place, almost as if it was pushed forward. This issue is commonly tied to the removal of the star wheels from DTF printers.

2. Preparing to Fix the Roller

To fix the fallen roller, you will need to gain access to the roller itself. This involves removing a screw from a long white plastic piece that Abby refers to as a 'runway' for the ink tubes. Once the screw is removed, the runway can be lifted, revealing the rollers beneath.

3. Fixing the Fallen Roller

With the runway lifted, the displaced roller can be accessed easily. The roller remains connected to the printer on the left side. The task now is to align the roller back in place. You can use your fingers to gently push the roller back into position. A satisfying 'click' will confirm that the roller is back in place. Abby reassures that you don't need to apply a lot of pressure to accomplish this.

4. Reassembly and Testing

Once the roller is securely in place, you should replace the long white plastic runway. Ensure to secure it with the screw that was initially removed. After this, replace the black plastic top cover and secure it as well.

After reassembly, it is crucial to power on the printer and check if the paper jam issue persists. Abby performed a quick nozzle check and confirmed that the paper jam problem had been resolved.

5. Final Thoughts

In essence, solving the ET-2000 front paper jam issue is straightforward once you understand the process. Abby was able to resolve the issue quickly, emphasizing that it is an easy fix that can be performed at home or in the office. This insight from BCH Technologies simplifies an otherwise technical issue, making it easier to tackle the problem without professional assistance.

6. Watch and Learn

We've summarized the process above, but if you are more of a visual learner, BCH Technologies has also provided a video that illustrates the entire process, from identifying the problem to fixing it and testing the printer. Watching the video will help you better understand each step.

Happy printing, everyone!