Addressing White Printing Issues on the P600

Users of the P600 printer, especially those transitioning from models such as the 1430, frequently face challenges related to white printing. These challenges manifest as inconsistent nozzle check results, variable white ink outputs, and a perceived disconnect between nozzle checks and actual prints.

Configuration, Software Variations, and Solutions:

  1. Software Configuration and Testing: When using EKPrint, it's advisable to visit the ink channel configuration page and conduct a test print. Adjust the channel dropdowns until the test print displays a CMYK WWWW sequence. This aids in identifying and resolving ink flow irregularities.
  2. Ink Flow Challenges: Some users experience ink flow issues, where the dampers fill up from cleaning cycles but fail to replenish during printing. This could be attributed to several factors:
    • Ink Quality: The quality and brand of ink play a significant role in the printer's performance. Using reputable brands, such as Dupont Artistri P5910 DTG, is recommended. However, always be open to exploring other high-quality ink brands based on expert suggestions.
    • Cartridge and Damper Issues: Even if cartridges are full, issues like overfilled air filters can disrupt the flow. Furthermore, dampers, which are essential for regulating ink flow, might not work optimally, especially if they're clogged or malfunctioning.
    • Circuit Blockage: Dry ink in the circuit can impede the smooth flow of ink and affect print quality.
  3. Cartridge Management and Checks: It's essential to regularly check cartridges, especially in Continuous Ink Supply Systems (CISS) configurations. For instance, ensuring that both the filling hole and the air hole are open is crucial. Using 80 ml CISS cartridges requires particular attention to these details to prevent potential flow issues.
  4. Optimal Ink Brands: While Dupont Artistri P5910 DTG comes highly recommended, always seek advice on alternative quality inks. The choice of ink can substantially influence the printer's performance and the final print quality.
  5. EKPrint Default Configuration: It's worth noting that the default configuration in EKPrint is typically the correct setup, making it user-friendly and less prone to errors.

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