Recovering Your Epson StylusPro 3880: Safe Printhead Cleaning & Recovery Tips!

Question: My Epson StylusPro 3880 has been unused for six years due to being displaced by a natural disaster. It has the same printhead as the P800, and I know that Epson printheads like this one may not survive customary restorative treatments (for example, ammonia). I don’t know if that’s an artifact of the pigment ink, the thermal versus piezoelectric design, or something else entirely. Is ultrasonic cleaning going to be an option for it? What should I be aware of in terms of getting it back?


The printhead in your Epson StylusPro 3880 is a piezojet with pigment ink. Pigment ink is better for longevity and print quality, but on the other hand, it also clogs more quickly, particularly after such a long period of no use, like six years. Below are some specific guidelines and precautions you can follow to attempt a safe recovery:

Learn about the Printhead and Pigment Ink:

  • This 3880 printhead is piezojet type, which is also used in Epson P800.
  • Pigment ink has solid particles, while dye-based ink doesn’t. This can lead to obstinate clogs accumulating over time, complicating the restoration effort.

Ultrasonic Cleaning – Caveat Utilitor:

  • Do NOT ultrasonic the printhead directly: Your printhead, and others like the ones in your 3880, are delicate and typically will not withstand ultrasonic cleaning. When the vibrations are too strong, they can affect the internal piezoelectric structures and the exact mechanism of ink ejection.
  • Printheads should never be ultrasonically cleaned, but the manifold can be cleaned to remove any pigment ink from the manifold (should you suffer from excessive ink build-up). This should not damage the printhead and can help improve overall ink flow.

Precautions for Recovery:

  • Gentle cleaning first — Cleaning the printhead of your printer starts with a careful visual inspection for any visible blockages or dry ink. It can a lint free cloth with a solution made for pigment inks. Steer clear of harsh chemicals such as ammonia, which could harm the printhead’s delicate components.
  • Use Built-In Cleaning Routines: Run the printer’s built-in cleaning cycle at least once to get the ink flowing correctly again. If, however, the printer shows error codes with the printhead (e.g., an E-503 error, which may signify improving ejection,nk), please check your manual for further troubleshooting options.
  • Manual Cleaning: If the motor cleaning does not solve the problem, you may want to clean the capping station and surrounding parts manually. However, you need to be careful not to apply aggressive cleaning methods to the printhead itself.

Printer issues can be challenging to diagnose because so much of their potential problems are hands-on. So, we can't do remote troubleshooting, make recommendations, or provide support to fix the printer. In our nearby diagnostic center, we handle on-site assessment and repair []; we are in quick, intense demand and work on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we may need a couple of weeks before have you drop in your printer. But we understand that we aren't the cheapest rates around. We strongly encourage you to find self-help through Googling. We recommend exploring on YouTube or our BCH Technologies YouTube channel []; use the search icon next to 'About' on the right-hand side of the menu bar to drop in search terms for specific videos. I get dozens of questions daily, requesting videos for particular subjects. As someone who has made videos for around nine years, I find it hard to remember every one of them. So, you can most efficiently use YouTube’s search function. In addition, YouTube may highlight relevant videos from other channels that can help you.

Once again, thank you for reaching out! We appreciate your confidence in BCH Technologies and look forward to assisting you with your printer recovery process.