Fixing Streaking in Refilled HP 45 Cartridges.


I just bought a great cartridge refill/remanufacturing kit, however, I have a question about my HP 45 cartridge. Even after being refilled, it still prints poorly with streaks and missing spots. Is there a way to clean out the inkjets, or is this cartridge toast?


To solve your issue, the HP 45 cartridge has an internal ink bag, and for it to work properly, it must be completely free of air. Air that’s trapped in the bag can cut off ink from flowing properly so you start getting streaks or missing spots. Here’s how you can fix it:

Now we can prime the cartridge to get out air and clogs.

You have to do this to get your cartridge filled and primed to begin printing. It is useful to eliminate air from the ink bag and clear small clogs. This is a HP 45 priming clip available here: HP 45 Priming Clip (

This should remove most open blockages during priming and guarantee a constant flow of ink. If the cartridge prints correctly after priming, then you're done.

Work with an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Tough Blockages

If the cartridge still does not draw ink properly after priming, the printhead might be clogged and hardened. In this case:

Put the cartridge in an ultrasonic cleaner and run it for 2 minutes or so.

This process provides some loosening of hardened ink deposits and ensures that ink begins flowing through the nozzles once again.

Assess Whether the Cartridge Is Damaged Beyond Repair

Prime and ultrasonic clean, then test the cartridge. If there are streaks or spots that are still missing, the printhead is probably permanently clogged and cannot be rejuvenated. In these cases, the only real option is a new cartridge.

Fixing printer issues is largely a hardware hands-on task, which makes it a complicated affair. So which means, we can’t provide printer remote troubleshooting, suggestions or support for repairs. Our physical diagnostic center provides an onsite evaluation and repair service ( Considering the high volume of calls, we adopt a first-come, first-served policy, so it may take another few weeks before we can have your printer checked in. We offer either full printer repair services or part specific repair services, along with instructions on how to make those repairs. However, we do recognize that our rates may not be the most budget-friendly. So we suggest you turn to self-help through the internet research.

Listen to our Youtube Channel ( ) search for specific videos by clicking the search icon next to the "about" section on the [right-hand side of the menu bar. It’s hard to remember every single video made in the last nine and a half years, but YouTube’s search function is the quickest method to find relevant details. In addition, YouTube might suggest some videos from other channels that might help you out.

Thanks again for your patience and support! Hopefully this will help you restore your HP 45 cartridge to working condition. Let us know how it goes!