Troubleshooting Ink Flow Issues in Epson 16600 Printers


My Epson 16600 has stopped printing three colors. While diagnosing the problem, I discovered that the small reservoirs above the print heads were empty. Only the black reservoir has any ink, and it is only half full. What could be causing this issue? Do you have any advice on diagnosing the failure? I used a syringe on the yellow reservoir as a test and managed to pull ink into it, so I know the line isn't blocked.


Thank you for reaching out to us at BCH Technologies []. We appreciate your detailed diagnosis and your engagement with our YouTube channel []. Your insights and feedback are invaluable in helping us improve our technical expertise.

The issue you're experiencing with your Epson 16600 printer relates to the Continuous Ink Supply System (CIS), a common feature in many printers designed to provide a steady ink flow from large tanks to the print heads. Let's delve into what might be causing your problem and how you can address it:

Understanding the CIS System

The CIS system works similarly to a self-replenishing pet water fountain. When the ink in the print head's small reservoir is used, it should automatically be refilled from the larger ink tanks. However, much like a pet fountain where water doesn't immediately refill the bowl, sometimes the ink tanks and reservoirs can fall out of sync, leaving air in the lines or reservoirs empty.

Diagnosing the Problem

  1. Check Ink Levels in Large Tanks: Ensure that the large ink tanks are sufficiently filled. If they are low, refill them to ensure that there is enough ink to flow into the smaller reservoirs.
  2. Inspect for Airlocks: Air bubbles can sometimes block ink flow. Using a syringe to draw ink into the reservoirs, as you did, is an effective way to check for blockages and airlocks.
  3. Verify Damper Function: The dampers in the CIS system act as buffers to maintain ink pressure and prevent air from entering the print heads. If they are not functioning properly, they may need to be cleaned or replaced.
  4. Synchronize the System: Sometimes the system needs to be manually primed to synchronize the ink flow. You can find detailed instructions in this article [] or this video tutorial [] to help you through the process.

Preventative Measures

  • Regular Maintenance: Keeping your ink tanks filled and periodically checking for airlocks can help prevent this issue from occurring.
  • Understand the System: Familiarize yourself with how the CIS system operates so that you can quickly identify and rectify any potential issues. Regular inspections can make a significant difference in maintaining print quality and system reliability.

Addressing printer issues can be complicated due to the hands-on nature of these problems. Therefore, we cannot provide remote troubleshooting, suggestions, or support for printer repairs. We offer an in-person evaluation and repair service via our local diagnostic facility []. Due to high demand, we operate on a first-come, first-served basis, which might result in a wait of several weeks before you can drop off or mail in your printer. Our services can address entire printers or specific parts, with detailed instructions on mail-in or local drop-off options. We recognize that our rates might not be the cheapest, so we encourage self-help through online research. Start by exploring YouTube or visiting our YouTube channel's homepage []. Use the search icon next to "About" on the menu bar to find specific videos. While we receive numerous inquiries daily about specific topics, our extensive video library makes it challenging to recall each one. Utilizing YouTube's search feature is the most efficient approach, and YouTube may also suggest helpful videos from other channels.

Thank you again for contacting us. We hope this guide assists you in resolving your printer issue and maintaining your system effectively!