Video: DTF Pro Model J Wire Connection: Power, Mainboard and Breakout Board

This is a digital product, no return or refunds after purchase. Suggest to purchase alone. If you buy this with other physical products, the video will not be available until...



This is a digital product, no return or refunds after purchase. Suggest to purchase alone. If you buy this with other physical products, the video will not be available until all the product is shipped.

Will include 3 videos:

1. Power Wires (public)

2. Mainboard Wiring

  • 00:00 Model J Mainboard
  • 00:58 CN7: PF Page Feed Motor
  • 01:33 CN13: ASF Motor
  • 02:42 CN6: CR Carriage Return Motor
  • 03:17 CN9: APG Motor
  • 03:48 CN8: Waste Pump Motor
  • 04:08 Review of All Motor Connections
  • 05:18 FFC CN15: CSIC Cable
  • 06:23 FFC CN10, 11, 12: Printhead Cable
  • 07:44 FFC CN14: Sensor Cable
  • 08:28 FFC CN5: Control Panel
  • 09:01 FFC CN3: Sub-board for APG & PF

3. Breakout Board Wiring

  • 0:00 Model J Breakout Board
  • 00:05 CN5 00:28 APG Sensors
  • 01:33 PF Sensor
  • 01:50 CN3
  • 02:18 ASF Motor
  • 02:28 Forward & Reverse Paper Feed
  • 02:41 24V and 5V Power Inputs
  • 03:00 CN7 Page Feed Motor

The Power Wiring is public, you can see it from video below, and decide if you want to buy ths product.