Solving Film Roll Issues on Epson 1390: Tips and Video Coming Soon


Can you create a video about the Epson 1390 with the film roll? Mine won’t roll. Thank you!


Sure, I will make a video on troubleshooting issues regarding film roll on the Epson 1390. The most common problem associated with the feeding of the film roll itself are often related to the roll feeder mechanism such as misaligned rollers, disfunctioning motors, or debris obstructing the path. When the printer is incapable to find out the movie or the roll feeder is not working properly, there will be no proper rolling of the movie.

In the meantime, here are some things that you can try:

Check the Roll Feeder Mechanism:

Look for clogs, misaligned rollers, or debris. Gently clean the area so it operates smoothly.

Motor and Gear Alignment:

For example, the mechanism may not engage properly if the motor or gears in the roll feeder are misaligned. It may need a closer look or the feeder motor to be adjusted.

Firmware Update and Software Update:

Ensure that the printer firmware is up to date and you’re using compatible software for film printing. Sometimes, older firmware can create issues with roll feeding.

Your request will go on that list, and I will try to have a long video on troubleshooting this issue out soon. Stay tuned to our YouTube ( for more updates.

Additional Support:

Printer problems tend to be in-your-face troubleshooting. Unfortunately, we cannot support remote assistance, but we can offer onsite evaluations and repair at our local diagnostic facility (, which is running strictly on a first-come, first-served basis due to high demand, and scheduling may take several weeks.

In the interim, check out our YouTube channel (, on which you can use the search icon and type in the printer model or issue that you need help with! Again, thank you for your question and for supporting BCH Technologies! Look for the video, and, in the meantime, feel free to get in touch if you have further questions.