Does UV Ink Clog More Than DTF Ink? Understanding Ink Behavior in Printers


I watched your video "2 Genius Hacks to Fill Ink in ET-8550 Dampers After Printhead Install!" and appreciate the helpful tips. Can the same method be used with UV ink? Also, does UV ink clog more easily than DTF ink?


Can the Same Ink Filling Method Be Used for UV Ink?

The same technique used to fill dampers in the ET-8550 for DTF ink can generally be applied to UV ink systems. However, UV printers and DTF printers function differently, and there are some key considerations:

  • UV printers typically use pressurized ink systems, so you must account for the different ink flow mechanisms.
  • UV inks cure when exposed to light, so avoid prolonged exposure to ambient UV light during filling.
  • If your UV printer uses a white ink circulation system, maintaining proper flow is just as crucial as in a DTF system.

Does UV Ink Clog More Easily Than DTF Ink?

Surprisingly, UV ink clogs less than DTF ink—but for a very different reason.

  • DTF ink's biggest enemy is air. The pigments in DTF white ink settle quickly, and if air gets into the system, clogs form fast.
  • UV ink's biggest enemy is light. The moment UV ink is exposed to UV light, it cures and hardens. However, as long as UV light is kept out, the ink remains fluid and doesn’t clog as quickly as DTF ink.

In other words, it’s easier to prevent clogs in UV ink systems because you can control light exposure more effectively than you can control air exposure in DTF systems.

Best Practices for Maintaining UV Ink Systems

To prevent clogs in UV printers, follow these key practices:
Store ink properly – Keep UV ink bottles in light-blocking containers and avoid exposing ink lines to direct light.
Use a cleaning cycle regularly – Even though UV ink is less prone to clogging, regular flushing helps maintain printhead health.
Ensure an airtight system – Make sure ink lines, dampers, and tanks are sealed to prevent air bubbles, which can still cause flow issues.
Keep the printhead moving – Just like DTF printers, leaving the printer idle for long periods can lead to dried ink. Print at least once a day to keep everything flowing.

Need More Help? Check Out Our Repair Services & YouTube Tutorials

Dealing with UV and DTF printing requires hands-on troubleshooting, and while we do not offer remote technical support, we do provide in-person evaluation and repair services at our local repair facility []. Our service operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and wait times may vary. Whether you need a full printer repair or a specific part replacement, we offer clear guidance on how to proceed. However, since repair costs may not always be the most budget-friendly, we encourage DIY solutions and self-troubleshooting whenever possible.

For more information and tutorials, visit our YouTube channel []. You can use the search bar next to "About" on the right-hand side of the menu bar to find specific videos related to UV or DTF ink maintenance. Since we’ve created hundreds of videos over the years, searching by topic is the fastest way to locate relevant content. Additionally, YouTube may recommend valuable videos from other creators that could help with your setup.

Thanks again for your question and for being part of our community! Keep an eye out—I’ll cover UV ink in more detail soon.  Happy printing!