Troubleshooting UV Light Exposure Issues in Screen Printing: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings to all screen printing enthusiasts seeking solutions to exposure problems! Whether you're a seasoned printer or just starting out, encountering challenges with UV light exposure can be frustrating. Fear not, for we have compiled a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and resolve common issues faced during the exposure process.

Understanding the Problem

In a recent discussion, a member shared their struggle with achieving proper exposure in Canada compared to their experience in France. Despite using familiar equipment and emulsions, they found that the exposure times were significantly longer than expected. Questions arose regarding the degradation of UV light quality over time and the potential impact of voltage differences between regions.

Identifying the Root Cause

Upon closer examination, it became evident that the terminology used—referring to "insulation" instead of "exposure"—led to confusion. The issue primarily stemmed from exposure rather than insulation. Additionally, consideration was given to the voltage disparity between Canada and Europe, prompting speculation about its influence on UV light performance.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check UV Light Compatibility: Verify if the UV light and its power supply are compatible with the voltage specifications of the region. Most modern UV lights feature universal power supplies, accommodating a wide range of voltages (110-240V). However, it's essential to confirm this to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Evaluate Exposure Time: Determine the actual exposure time required for your specific setup. Factors such as the type of emulsion, ambient temperature, humidity levels, and the light source play crucial roles in exposure duration. Experiment with different exposure times to find the optimal balance for consistent results.
  3. Assess Environmental Conditions: Monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the exposure room, as they can impact the effectiveness of the emulsion's reaction to UV light. Maintaining stable environmental conditions within the recommended ranges enhances the consistency of exposure outcomes.
  4. Inspect Light Source and Glass: Ensure that the UV light source is functioning correctly and hasn't significantly degraded over time. Fluorescent tubes, commonly used in UV exposure units, may degrade gradually but remain usable until failure. Additionally, check the quality of the glass used for covering the screens, as some types may block UV light, affecting exposure results.
  5. Emulsion Compatibility and Tips: If using specific emulsions like SAATITEX PHU HR or BC PINK DUAL CURE, seek advice from experienced users for tips and recommendations tailored to your setup. Emulsion characteristics and application techniques can vary, so leveraging community insights can provide valuable insights for optimizing exposure processes.


Troubleshooting exposure issues in screen printing requires a systematic approach that addresses various factors influencing the process. By verifying equipment compatibility, adjusting exposure parameters, and maintaining optimal environmental conditions, printers can overcome challenges and achieve consistent results.

For more in-depth discussions, tips, and tutorials on screen printing techniques and troubleshooting, we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube Channel BCHTechnologies and follow our tech blog. Additionally, if you're in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, visit us locally for hands-on workshops and expert guidance in the world of screen printing. Happy printing!