Troubleshooting Dark Print Issue on Epson F570: A Comprehensive Guide

Print quality issues, such as prints appearing darker and muted than expected, can be frustrating for users, impacting the outcome of their creative projects. In a recent conversation thread, a user named Jeff shared his experience with an Epson F570 printer and sought assistance in resolving the color reproduction problem. A helpful initial call with an Epson technician provided a temporary solution, but subsequent attempts to replicate the fix were unsuccessful.

Initial Tech Support Resolution

During the first call with Epson, the technician successfully addressed the dark print issue within a 13-minute conversation. The key adjustment involved changing settings in the Print pop-up window. Specifically, the user switched to having Photoshop manage the colors and ensured that the media settings included the textile option. This resulted in vibrant prints matching the iMac monitor's display.

Recurring Dark Print Problem

Despite the initial success, Jeff faced challenges in maintaining the desired color reproduction after turning off the printer and computer. Two subsequent calls to Epson support did not yield a resolution, and the techs were unable to reference the notes from the initial call. Jeff attempted various adjustments, including switching between CMYK and RGB settings and allowing the printer to control colors, but the problem persisted.

User-Provided Solution: Selecting Printer Profile in Photoshop

A fellow user provided a valuable tip in the conversation, suggesting that in Photoshop, when selecting "Photoshop Manages Colors," it is crucial to choose the correct printer profile. Additionally, in the printer driver's color management settings, it should be turned off. This advice emphasizes the importance of managing colors only once, within Photoshop, and preventing the printer driver from applying additional color management.

Nozzle Test and Print Quality Assurance

Another user pointed out the significance of ensuring the perfection of the nozzle test before commencing printing. Imperfections in the nozzle test can lead to problems with color reproduction. This recommendation underscores the importance of routine printer maintenance to guarantee optimal performance and print quality.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Photoshop Color Management: When using "Photoshop Manages Colors," select the appropriate printer profile within Photoshop.
  2. Printer Driver Settings: Disable color management in the printer driver settings to avoid conflicting color adjustments.
  3. Nozzle Test: Before printing, perform a nozzle test to check for any issues that may affect color reproduction.


Troubleshooting dark print issues on the Epson F570 involves a combination of precise settings within Photoshop, careful management of color profiles, and ensuring the printer's hardware integrity through regular nozzle tests. Users experiencing similar problems can follow these steps to address color reproduction challenges effectively.

For more tech-related content, tutorials, and troubleshooting guides, don't forget to check out BCH Technologies' YouTube Channel and follow their Tech Blog. If you're in Greensboro, North Carolina, consider visiting locally for additional assistance.

Happy printing!