Restoring Roll Mode on Epson DIY DTG R1800 After Motherboard Replacement

If you find yourself in a situation where your Epson DIY DTG R1800 printer is refusing to return to roll mode after a motherboard replacement, you're not alone. Many users face challenges when trying to reset their printer configurations, especially after significant hardware changes. In this guide, we'll explore a step-by-step process to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue.

1. Check for PE Sensor Alignment Issues

After a motherboard replacement, it's crucial to ensure that the PE (Paper End) sensor is correctly aligned. The flashing ink and paper lights indicate a problem, and manually tripping the PE sensor may not always solve it. First, inspect the sensor and make sure it is in the right position. Misalignment could be the cause of the printer not transitioning to roll mode.

2. ASF Sensor Wheel Inspection

The ASF (Auto Sheet Feeder) sensor wheel not rotating during printer initialization is a red flag. This component plays a vital role in paper handling. Ensure that all wire connections related to the ASF sensor are intact. Check for any physical damage or obstruction that may impede the wheel's rotation. Correcting these issues may resolve the error during the initialization phase.

3. Consider the Adjustment Program

The Adjustment Program, a utility tool provided by Epson, is designed to tweak various printer settings, including those related to paper handling modes. Before using this program, ensure that your printer model is compatible, and download the latest version from the official Epson support website. Follow the program's instructions carefully to reset the printer to roll mode.

4. Perform a Factory Reset

A factory reset can often resolve configuration-related issues. Refer to your printer's manual for instructions on how to perform a factory reset. This process will revert the printer to its default settings, potentially eliminating any lingering issues from the motherboard replacement.

5. Update Firmware

Outdated firmware can cause compatibility issues, especially after hardware changes. Visit the Epson support website and check for the latest firmware update for your printer model. Follow the provided instructions to update the firmware, which may include bug fixes and improvements that could address the roll mode problem.

6. Professional Assistance

If the issue persists after trying the above steps, consider seeking professional assistance. Epson service centers or certified technicians have the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex printer problems. They may have access to advanced diagnostic tools that can pinpoint the exact cause of the issue.

Restoring roll mode on an Epson DIY DTG R1800 printer after a motherboard replacement involves a systematic approach. By checking sensor alignments, inspecting the ASF sensor wheel, using the Adjustment Program, performing a factory reset, and updating firmware, you increase the likelihood of resolving the problem. If all else fails, seeking professional assistance is a prudent next step.

For more in-depth tutorials and troubleshooting guides, be sure to check out our YouTube channel BCH Technologies and stay updated with the latest tech insights on our blog.

For hands-on assistance, visit our local office in Greensboro, North Carolina. We're here to help you get the most out of your printing experience.