Printer Troubleshooting in Windows 10: Resolving Printing Issues with Panasonic KX-MC6020

In the realm of modern technology, occasional hiccups can disrupt the seamless operation of devices. A case in point is a reported issue with the Panasonic KX-MC6020 printer/scanner on Windows 10. Users are encountering a peculiar problem where the device, despite successful scanning, fails to produce prints after a recent Windows 10 update.

Initial Diagnosis and Driver Updates

Upon encountering this issue, the affected user diligently took several troubleshooting steps. The user installed the latest printer driver, hoping to rectify the printing glitch. However, even with the updated driver, the printer stubbornly refused to produce prints. The problem persisted despite the user's attempt to roll back the updates or uninstall them. The specific update causing the issue seemed resistant to removal, stalling the user's efforts to restore normal printer functionality.

Peripheral Checks and Cross-Platform Testing

To eliminate potential hardware issues, the user installed the printer on a laptop running Windows Vista. Surprisingly, the printer worked flawlessly on the older operating system, confirming that the printer itself was not the culprit. Back on the Windows 10 machine, the user encountered an "error state" message and diligently checked for common issues: ample paper supply, functioning toner, and a clear paper path. Despite these checks, the printer continued to resist printing.

Insightful Google Search and User Collaboration

Undeterred, the user turned to the internet for assistance, encountering a community member who suggested checking the printer's connection port. This user hypothesized that the driver installation might be erroneously assuming LPT1 as the port, when in reality, the printer was connected via USB. This insightful suggestion hinted at a potential driver misconfiguration, leading to the subsequent revelation that reinstalling Windows 10 resolved the issue.

Resolution: Reinstalling Windows 10

The final breakthrough in resolving the printing issue with the Panasonic KX-MC6020 on Windows 10 came when a user reported that a complete reinstallation of Windows 10 rectified the problem. This suggests that the initial driver installation might have been compromised or improperly configured, leading to the printing errors.


In troubleshooting printer issues on Windows 10, the key takeaway is the importance of ensuring correct driver installation and port configurations. If faced with a similar problem, consider reinstalling Windows 10 as a last resort, as this step proved effective for one user. Additionally, stay vigilant for specific Windows updates that may disrupt printer functionality, and explore community forums for valuable insights.

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