Keeping Your Canon MG6650 Alive: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you facing the daunting task of keeping your trusty Canon MG6650 printer from meeting its demise at the landfill or recycle center? Fear not! We've got you covered with all the information you need to revive your printer and extend its lifespan.

Identifying the Issue

Your printer might be flagging a message indicating that the ink absorber is nearing full capacity. This is a common issue with Canon printers and can be resolved with the right tools and knowledge.

Service Tool Software Requirement

To address this issue, you'll need the appropriate service tool software. The recommended version for the Canon MG6650 is Service Tool v4720 or higher. However, obtaining this software can be a bit tricky as newer versions may trigger virus warnings from antivirus programs. One workaround is to run the service tool on a dedicated computer or hard disk with no personal data. You can find the necessary software through various online vendors or platforms like eBay.

Replacing the Ink Absorber

Contrary to popular belief, the ink absorber is not the same as the ink cartridge. It's a larger piece of felt-like material located deep inside the printer. For the Canon MG6650, the correct absorber kit is QY5-0450. This kit will help you replace the absorber and prevent any potential ink spills or overflows.

Additional Tips for Repair

Repairing your printer isn't a walk in the park. It involves disassembling and reassembling intricate parts, which can be challenging. Some users suggest resetting the printer without replacing the absorbers as a temporary solution, but this poses the risk of ink leakage. If you opt not to replace the absorbers immediately, it's recommended to place a tray under the printer to contain any potential spills.

Proceeding with Caution

When purchasing the service tool software, ensure compatibility with your printer model. While some websites offer downloads at a price, it's essential to verify the legitimacy and compatibility of the software. Remember, using an incompatible or outdated version of the service tool can potentially render your printer unusable, requiring extensive repairs.


Reviving your Canon MG6650 printer is indeed a challenging task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it's entirely feasible. By obtaining the correct service tool software and replacement parts, you can breathe new life into your printer and continue to enjoy its reliable performance.

For more tips and tricks on printer maintenance and repair, consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel BCH Technologies and following our tech blog. If you're in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, feel free to visit us locally for expert assistance with your printing needs.