How to Test Epson Power Supply: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you own an Epson printer, you may have experienced the frustration of it not turning on. It’s common to assume that the power supply is the culprit, but it could actually be the motherboard. Before you rush to buy a new power supply, it’s important to first test the old one and ensure that it is indeed the problem. In this article, we’ll guide you through how to test an Epson power supply to help you determine whether it’s functioning properly or not.

First, it’s important to note that not all Epson power supplies are the same. In this article, we’ll be comparing two power supplies – WF-3540 and WF-3640. Although they look similar, the 3540 has a ditch that the 3640 does not, and the power cord for the 3540 is in the middle, while the 3640 is on the right. The 3540 power supply is also much harder to find than the 3640.

To begin testing, start by comparing the plugs that connect to the motherboard. You’ll notice that the plugs are identical. Additionally, there is one wire on each power supply that is polished blue – this wire is on the same side for both power supplies. The first step is to connect the blue wire on the 3640 to the blue wire on the 3540. Then, use the green wire for the middle wire (ground) and the orange wire for the wire on the right.

Once the wires are connected, it’s time to test the output voltage. You’ll need a multimeter for this step. Start by putting the ground in the middle and the left and right probes should read around 42 volts. The red wire to blue is 42 volts, and the red wire to orange is 41 volts. If you switch to the WF-3540 power supply, you should get the same result.

Now that you’ve confirmed that the two power supplies have the same output voltage, you can swap them. However, you may run into the issue of the 3640 not fitting into the 3540 due to the difference in size and shape. If this is the case, you’ll need to revise the case slightly to ensure that the power supply fits properly. This may involve moving the power supply to the right and making some adjustments.

It’s important to note that while testing the power supply is an essential step in troubleshooting an Epson printer that won’t turn on, it’s not the only step. If you’ve confirmed that the power supply is functioning properly and your printer still won’t turn on, it’s possible that the issue lies with the motherboard or another component. In these cases, it’s best to seek professional help or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

In conclusion, testing an Epson power supply is a crucial step in determining whether it’s functioning properly or not. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily test your power supply and potentially save yourself the expense of buying a new one. However, if your printer still won’t turn on after testing the power supply, it’s best to seek professional assistance to diagnose and fix the issue.