Where is the "F1" fuse on my Epson mainboard?

If you have problems finding the F1 fuse on your Epson's mainboard, you are not alone. First of all, let me emphasize that the F fuse may not control if a mainboard powers up or not. If your mainboard is not powering up, it is more likely caused by blown transistors. Also, there may be one fuse only, or there maybe two or three. Therefore, you need to troubleshoot the printhead and use a multimeter to test if the fuse is blown. For replacement, you can find them (click here). You may have one fuse, or two to three fuses but you can use this fuse to replace all of them.

Fuses may mark differently,  It can also be known as F2, F3, F301, F201, Fxxx.

If it's an "F", and looks tiny, it is this fuse. If you get 0x9A or 031006, you probably have a blown printhead and a burnt FFC cable as well.

The two transistors can be seen below, and the replacement can be found here (click).


F1 Fuse on CD86 MAIN for Epson ET-2650

Okay, here is where the fuse is.  Hint: Epson doesn't call all of them F1 anymore. 

It is F201 or F301 for some models.

F1 Fuse on CD77 MAIN for Epson WF-2750

F1, F2, F3 Fuse on CD36 MAIN for Epson WF-7720 and WF-7710 (F1 on the other side)

(F1 is on the other side of this board)

F1 fuse for CC97 MAIN board - WF-7610 WF-7620

F1 & F2 on CJ20MAIN of ET-8550

F700 on CD44 MAIN of WF-8510

F1, F2 on CG43 STD of XP-15000