How to Add an INK TANK to Epson XP-4105 Printer - Modification CIS/CISS Continuous Ink Supply System
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How to Add an INK TANK to Epson XP-4105 Printer - Modification CIS/CISS Continuous Ink Supply System
If you do a lot of printing on a regular basis, you’re probably sick of dealing with ink cartridges. If you’re fed up with having to swap expensive cartridges day in and day out, then read on. In this blog, we will discuss how to add an ink tank to your Epson XP-4105 printer so that you never have to use an ink cartridge again.
Downloading INKCHIP Firmware
For the first step, we need to disable the printer mechanism that tracks the level of ink in the cartridge. Go to inkchip.net and click on the SOFT tab in the top menu. Scroll down and find your printer model on this page, and click the “download” button under the “firmware” tab. The firmware is in RAR format, which means you will either need to use 7-zip or another format compatible with RAR.
Before moving on to the next step, switch the printer to firmware update mode to prepare it for the INKCHIP firmware. With the printer plugged in, turn off the power by holding down the upside-down triangle button, the down, the left, and then press power.
After decompressing the INKCHIP file with 7-zip or RAR, you can run the EXE file. Now you have to plug in your printer through the USB port. Note that you cannot do this wirelessly; you have to use the USB. If you use the USB, your printer should show up. Click start, and it will begin installing the firmware.
You may want to grab a cup of coffee or other drink, because this part will take a while. Once the firmware is installed, the power button should be flashing. Press the “ok” button or shut it down and press the power button and turn it back on.
Activating Your Firmware
You now have your chipless firmware installed, but it’s still not activated. To activate your firmware, you will need to return to the INKCHIP site and click the “download” button under the “activation” tab on the SOFT page—this will download the activation program. Make sure to select the correct printer.
Now we’re ready to activate online, but at this point, it will ask for an activation key. Go back to inkchip.net and purchase the key corresponding to your printer model. Once you have the key, copy and paste it into the activation box and click “ok.” You’ll also want to copy the recovery code, open up a text file, paste this code into the text file, and save it.
Turn your printer off and turn it back on again. You will find that the ink level has been reset to full. It will stay this way permanently now that you’ve installed the INKCHIP firmware. Sometimes, Epson’s automatic updates wipe this type of firmware off printers. To avoid this, turn automatic updates off.
If you forget to disable automatic updates and Epson wipes your firmware at some point down the road, you can always reinstall it with the recovery code that you copied earlier.
Using a Core System
Now it’s time to get started installing the actual ink tank. To do so, you will need to purchase a modification system. You can buy one here through BCH Technologies for $35.99. Notice that it contains an ink tank, a pressure regulator, some connectors, a tube, and a priming tool.
This core system works the same for all apps and printers, so you can use this with any kind of printer. But for this demonstration, we will be using Epson. For the 4100 model, you will also need to purchase a bracket so you can stabilize the pressure regulator on your printhead.
Besides the common core system and bracket, you will need a pair of scissors and something to glue the bracket. You can either use glue or double-sided tape, and you will also need to modify plastic on the printer. Heat a butter knife or screwdriver with a hot stove, or use a rotary tool such as a Dremel tool.
Take a look at the tank. The smaller plug is called a shipping plug, and you will use it when moving the printer, such as taking it to your car. The bigger plugs are called refuel plugs—these are used when adding ink to the tank. Look inside the rightmost tank. You’ll notice that the tube runs through this tank on the bottom. Mark this tube to remind yourself that this is the ink on the bottom.
Getting Started Installing the Tube and Tank
When getting started, your printhead might be locked on the right side. To unlock it, you can push it to the right a little bit more and then turn that wheel counterclockwise, and that should free the printhead.
Now make an opening on the side of your printer to allow the tube to run inside. You will want to stabilize the tube with a clip and glue the line in the middle of the printer. Drill a hole on the side of the printer where you want your tube to go through. Make another hole on the printhead carriage. Make sure the bracket can fit in.
Next, use some double-sided tape to secure the tank to the side of the printer, and then thread the tubes into the printer. Use glue or tape to attach the clip near the middle of the printer. After you’ve threaded the tube inside the carriage, you’ll find that the carriage cannot move all the way to the right, and something is blocking it.
In this case, you will need to lift the scanner and grind down a part inside the printer. Find the blue piece—you can twist this piece, but not too much, as you could break it. By turning gently, you should be able to remove this piece, using one hand to hold it and another hand to grind it. Now your tubes should be unobstructed. Remember the colored tube you marked earlier? Tear it apart.
Now let’s take a look at the small case. It has two holes, and if you look closely at the case, you will see an arrow. This arrow indicates the direction of the ink flow. On the top is where this little thing sucks ink in, and on the bottom is where the ink flows out.
Cut the elbow piece in half and make sure to save both parts. Take the top of the elbow and insert it into the hole where the ink comes in. Now take that long tube and cut it into four equal-length tubes. Put those on the nipples.
You might want to put another piece of tape on the bottom of the bracket, but this is optional. The pressure regulator will be installed with the elbow side up, so wrap your tube around it and mark where you want to cut it. Cut and insert the smaller tube into the elbow.
Pouring the Ink
Now you can open the tank and pour the black ink in. Then, put the silicon refill plug back. When you put the plug back in, push and twist until you feel the plug is locked in, and then load the tank and make sure all the ink flows to the bottom. Now close it.
Return to the pressure regulator, insert the priming tool where the ink comes out, and start sucking. Watch it until the ink almost fills up to the top, and then disconnect. Find the second piece when you cut a long elbow, which is a small bit of tube. Then connect to the silicon tube on the printhead.
Twist the elbow so the tube will come in from the right side, and press the box down. Then you’ll just repeat this process for each color: pour the ink, prime, connect, and route the tubes. It might be best to work one color at a time to avoid mixing up the colors. Move the printhead left and right to make sure that it can reach both ends, and then you can turn the whole printer around.
Wrapping Up
Notice that the big tubes are still empty. You need to increase the number of head cleanings so the printer will suck ink into the printhead. On the screen, go to maintenance, click on “print head cleaning,” and then “start.”
Be sure to perform cleanings properly, as doing them the wrong way can damage your printer. BCH suggests using the built-in cleaning function rather than relying on your own methods. Lastly, check the bigger tube to make sure there are no air bubbles.
We hope you enjoyed this blog! Feel free to visit us at bchtechnologies.com, or locally at our Greensboro, North Carolina location. Cheers!